Tag: Executive Board

12. July 2024

Common exchange at the summer get-together of the professors Welcoming the new appointees and international guests

21. June 2024

Opening and open day of the Hydrogen Terminal Braunschweig Research along the hydrogen value chain

24. May 2024

TU Braunschweig stands for democracy, diversity and tolerance Presidential Board endorses declaration - Company day of action on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Basic Law

15. May 2024

State funds a joint Wolfsburg Campus with 11.5 million euros Objective: Research into the circular economy in the automotive industry

14. May 2024

Daniel Prades awarded Alexander von Humboldt Professorship Two professors strengthen the Cluster QuantumFrontiers

8. March 2024

Excellence strategy and more: What is on the agenda for the performance dimension of research in 2024? Interview with President Angela Ittel and Vice President for Research Peter Hecker

16. February 2024

Senate confirms Vice-Presidents Vice Presidents Knut Baumann, Peter Hecker and Arno Kwade re-elected

26. January 2024

DAM Prize for Architecture in Germany 2024 Goes to Student House Competition procedure worth imitating

26. January 2024

The TU Braunschweig stands for democracy, rule of law, and freedom.

11. December 2023

Foundation university information week: What are the benefits of active participation? An interview with President Angela Ittel and Vice-President Dietmar Smyrek

Gruppenfoto der Delegation des Taiwan Tech mit Vertreter*innen der TU Braunschweig. 24. November 2023

High-ranking delegation from the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology visited TU Braunschweig Joint seed funding call open until 31 December

24. October 2023

Statement of the Executive Board on the Paint Attack at Audimax

24. August 2023

Theft of rainbow flag: Senate joins statement of the Executive Board Executive Board thanks for its support

7. August 2023

Governance board strongly condemns theft and destruction of the rainbow flag The rainbow flag is flying again on the University Square

27. July 2023

What will the university of the future look like? Interview with the President Angela Ittel

10. July 2023

Shaping the Future Together Summer reception for the professors of TU Braunschweig

20. April 2023

Full-time Vice President for Digitalisation and Sustainability: Clear vote for Prof. Manfred Krafczyk Senate and University Council confirm recommendation

24. March 2023

Groundbreaking ceremony for the new Hydrogen Terminal at Braunschweig Research Airport Aim: Research into green hydrogen production technologies

19. January 2023

Your vote counts University and student elections in the winter semester 2022/23