Hydrogen research

The biggest challenge of the energy transition remains the transport and storage of renewable energies and their utilisation in the heating and mobility sectors. One solution is the use of hydrogen technologies. At TU Braunschweig, numerous institutes are working on projects, innovation labs and the SE²A Cluster of Excellence to make hydrogen fit for the future.

2. August 2024

Sustainable flying: Is the fuel cell the solution? An interview with Patrick Meyer on the future of flying with the PEM fuel cell

19. July 2024

Bachelor’s degree programme “Battery and Hydrogen Technology” starts Studying for a sustainable future

2. July 2024

Energy source of the future: living lab for sustainable hydrogen An interview with Professor Bernd Engel and David Sauss about research at the H2 Terminal

21. June 2024

Opening and open day of the Hydrogen Terminal Braunschweig Research along the hydrogen value chain

23. May 2024

Hydrogen Research at TU Braunschweig

1. May 2024

Picture of the month: Trace analysis for hydrogen and battery research Laser beams for ceramic solid-state batteries

24. November 2023

Excellent mobility and energy research at the TU Braunschweig Minister of Science Mohrs learns about Future Mobility Hub

9. November 2023

Opening of the Japanese-German Green Hydrogen Material Laboratory in Japan

On 20 September, the Japanese-German Green Hydrogen Material Laboratory was…
1. November 2023

How Hydrogen Production Can Be Optimised Technical Electrocatalysis Laboratory researches proton exchange electrolysis

13. September 2023

Sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels Federica Ferraro is a new junior professor at the Institute of Flight Propulsion and Turbomachinery

5. September 2023

“There is no silver bullet that will save the climate” Prof. Jens Friedrichs on research into sustainable aviation in the SE2A cluster

1. September 2023

Minister Julia Willie Hamburg visited the NFF Deputy Prime Minister learned about mobility research

28. August 2023

Future aircraft configurations Dr.-Ing. Stanislav Karpuk heads a Junior Research Group in the Cluster of Excellence SE²A

10. July 2023

New Professorship Connects Fraunhofer IST and TU Braunschweig Two new offices for Dr. Sabrina Zellmer

9. June 2023

Groundbreaking ceremony for Fraunhofer ZESS institute building at the Research Airport New project centre cooperates with the Battery LabFactory

24. March 2023

Groundbreaking ceremony for the new Hydrogen Terminal at Braunschweig Research Airport Aim: Research into green hydrogen production technologies

Picture credit: Leibniz University Hannover 9. February 2023

Green hydrogen for climate-friendlier aviation Hydrogen supply concepts for aviation are investigated in the research project HyNEAT

Timm Wittmann 30. November 2022

The Optimal Air Supply Tim Wittmann researches air supply systems for hydrogen fuel cells in aircraft propulsion systems

28. November 2022

Storing energy by conversion into green hydrogen Universities in Kyoto and Braunschweig work on more efficient hydrogen production