9. November 2023 | Note-Blog

Opening of the Japanese-German Green Hydrogen Material Laboratory in Japan

On 20 September, the Japanese-German Green Hydrogen Material Laboratory was opened in Kofu, Japan. The aim is to jointly establish a platform for material innovations in the field of green hydrogen through close and long-term cooperation in order to increase the efficiency and durability of electrocatalyst materials for electrolysis and fuel cells and to create an incubator for further projects from science and industry.

To establish a real research presence in Japan, in this case the Japanese-German Green Hydrogen Material Laboratory, the Technical Electrocatalysis Laboratory at TU Braunschweig is being funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research for a total of around 760,000 euros for five years from 2022 as part of the ECatPEMFCgate funding project.

The project partners are the Technical Electrocatalysis Laboratory (Prof. Mehtap Özaslan, TU Braunschweig), the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Nanomaterials Centre and the Clean Energy Research Center of the University of Yamanashi.