Cluster of Excellence: “QuantumFrontiers”

“QuantumFrontiers” is dedicated to the fundamentals of quantum and nanometrological phenomena in order to achieve precision at the limits of measurability through quantum technologies. QuantumFrontiers involves TU Braunschweig, Leibniz Universität Hannover and the National Metrology Institute of Germany. The Cluster of Excellence is part of the research focus “Metrology”.

11. August 2022

Going for a microwave Adventure Vadim Issakov as Distinguished Microwave Lecturer 2023-2025

1. August 2022

Boost for quantum computer development ERDF funding accelerates installation of new laboratory structures for the miniaturisation of components

5. July 2022

The Barcelona-Braunschweig LED-connection Interview with Professor Daniel Prades from the University of Barcelona

1. July 2022

Picture of the Month: Atom by atom towards the perfect LED From the Institute of Applied Physics

22. June 2022

Breaking GaN Precise instruments for the next generation of LED chips

25. May 2022

Free the cat with quantum gates Playful entry into the quantum world with virtual reality

2. May 2022

Europe in view, the region in focus Professor Rainer Müller in the new EU coordination body for quantum issues

Das Altgebäude der TU Braunschweig im Frühling 2. May 2022

ExzellenzStärken: State supports cutting-edge research at TU Braunschweig MWK funding commitment of four million euros for preparation of the Excellence Strategy

30. March 2022

Intel’s 17 Billion Megafactory in Magdeburg What the new "Silicon Junction" means for Braunschweig

18. March 2022

Research cooperation in war TU Braunschweig supports partner university in Kiev

26. January 2022

What who should know about quantum A guide to the quantum world

In the main chamber of the Photon-STM, the tip holder points from above to a pedestal made of stainless steel the size of a fingertip. The mirror of the microscope shimmeringly reflects the red illumination in the P-STM. 29. October 2021

Picture of the Month: A showroom for single atoms From the Institute of Applied Physics

4. October 2021

Tokyo and Braunschweig conduct joint research on qubit control Quantum computing collaboration between the Institute of CMOS Design and Keio University

6. July 2021

Master of miniaturisation Why scalability wins the quantum race

16. April 2021

Master in Quantum Technologies A degree program at the center of the Quantum Valley Lower Saxony.

Professor Patrick Recher in front of calculations on Majorana fermions 19. February 2021

In Pursuit of the Intangible The particle experiment to find Majorana fermions

Zwölf Mikro-LED-Chips auf einem Wafer. Genau so werden die späteren Bausteine für Quantencomputer aussehen 1. December 2020

Picture of the month: Biscuits for Quantum Computers From the Quantum Valley Lower Saxony

5. November 2020

Be Part of our Network! New video about research, teaching and campus life at TU Braunschweig

24. August 2020

Superconducting Sensors for the Fastest Computer Chips in the World Interview with a large-scale instrument: The Terahertz Microscope