Author - Bianca Loschinsky

Here you will find all posts by the selected author in chronological order.

24. August 2023

Theft of rainbow flag: Senate joins statement of the Executive Board Executive Board thanks for its support

16. August 2023

“New and old architectures merge here” Future City Goes Global: With Chantal Karadag in Groningen

11. July 2023

“Positive atmosphere ready for change” Using the future workshop method at the State Theatre of Braunschweig

5. July 2023

Gender meets Engineering Henriette Bertram is the new assistant professor for gender aspects in engineering sciences

29. June 2023

Building rental housing—affordably and sustainably Prize for the Institute for Building Climatology and Energy of Architecture

26. June 2023

History Teaching in the Digital Transformation Marcel Mierwald is the new assistant professor at the Institute of History

14. June 2023

Athletic visit from Brazil Consultation on the curriculum for sports teacher training

13. June 2023

How companies use data profitably Frederik Möller is a new assistant professor at the Institute of Business Information Systems

12. June 2023

Comeback for the Campuslauf 400 athletes sprinted across the university grounds

8. June 2023

“ALADINA cleared for takeoff“ TU Braunschweig drone prepares for use in study on fine dust pollution from air traffic

1. June 2023

Sustainable AI made @TUBraunschweig GAMM Sustainability Award for international research team

23. May 2023

Between palaces, temples and Gangnam Style Future City Goes Global: With Dr. Stefanie John, Professor Rüdiger Heinze and Professor Eckart Voigts in Seoul

15. May 2023

Delhi – a fast-developing metropolis full of contrasts Future City Goes Global with Bartek Sawicki

10. May 2023

How can we individualise training processes? Peter Düking is the new assistant professor at the Institute of Sport Science and Movement Pedagogy

4. May 2023

How do people with dementia live? Architecture Promotion Award goes to Nele Tramp

2. May 2023

The impact of war on the environment in Ukraine Yevheniia Berchul receives a DAAD PhD scholarship

27. April 2023

3D Pioneers Challenge 2023: Collaborative Research Centre AMC in the final round Project for automated placement of fibre reinforcement

26. April 2023

A pictorial bridge to the city’s history TU Braunschweig starts archaeological research on the medieval bridge in Hildesheim

25. April 2023

Building in times of crisis Professor Patrick Schwerdtner on price increases for building materials