Visiting researchers from Brazil learn about physical education teacher training
Scientists Professor Marli Hatje and Professor Luciana Erina Palma from the Federal University of Santa Maria in Brazil were recently guests at the Institute of Sport Science and Movement Pedagogy at TU Braunschweig. At the invitation of the Institute’s Director, Professor Esther Serwe-Pandrick, they took part in a consultancy project aimed at revising the curricula for sports teacher training at Santa Maria and other Brazilian universities. This is the second visit to Braunschweig after 2023.

Prof. Dr. Luciana Erina Palma (Federal University of Santa Maria), Prof. Dr. Esther Serwe-Pandrick (Head of the Institute of Sport Science and Movement Pedagogy), Prof. Dr. Marli Hatje, Prof. Dr. Reiner Hildebrandt (Project Manager, retired) and Junior Prof. Dr. Peter Düking (IfSB). Photo credit: IfSB/TU Braunschweig
The consultancy project is led by Professor Reiner Hildebrandt-Stramann (retired) from the Institute of Sport Science and Movement Pedagogy and is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The aim of the project is to develop a modularised curriculum and module manuals for physical education teacher training at various Brazilian universities in order to facilitate an improved exchange of students and lecturers. There are also plans to extend a cooperation agreement between the sports science institutes.
The visiting researchers gained detailed information about the curriculum of the BA and MA degree programmes for physical education teacher training at TU Braunschweig by attending various seminar formats, discussing the objectives and content of the modules with lecturers and gaining insights into didactic and physical education concepts. Professor Hatje also gave a guest lecture on the Brazilian culture of movement and its influence on physical education teacher training in Brazil.
In addition, the visiting researchers observed the students’ school internships in order to gain insight into the relationship between movement pedagogical teaching and school theory and practice, as well as projects on movement pedagogical teaching and school research.

In front of the Institute of Sport Science and Movement Pedagogy (front row, from left: Dr. Jozilma Batalha Lemke (Federal University of Manaus), Heike Beckmann (IfSB); Prof. Dr. Esther Serwe-Pandrick (Institute Director IfSB); Prof. Dr. Marli Hatje and Prof. Dr. Luciana Erina Palma (Federal University of Santa Maria) and Prof. Dr. Reiner Hildebrandt (Project Director, retired IfSB). Back row: Klaus Wichmann and Luka Schlosser (IfSB). Photo credit: IfSB/TU Braunschweig