Tag: Technology Transfer

14. January 2022

Solving the hard problems with quantum computers Two projects worth millions are to make the technology of the future usable

9. December 2021

Booster for collaborative quantum computer development New ATIQ project funded by the Federal Ministry of Research has a total volume of 44.5 million Euros

8. December 2021

Laboratory at TU Braunschweig for Residual Stress Analysis Successfully Accredited NOSA supports engineers (and partner) from research and industry to optimize and analyze components

Das Bild zeigt eine Stadtsilouette mit Symbolen rund um die Mobilität 2. December 2021

On your marks, get set: Innovators wanted The state of Lower Saxony wants to promote the founding and growth of high-tech companies in the smart mobility sector

9. November 2021

BionicWalker Development and research of a prosthetic fitting for partial foot amputations started

2. November 2021

Without programming: Robots learn gripping movements from humans TU Braunschweig spin-off presents prototypes

18. October 2021

At the interface between science and practice in the world of work The Cooperation Centre Hochschulen-Gewerkschaften SüdOstNiedersachsen (Universities-Trade Unions South-East Lower Saxony)

7. September 2021

Ready for „Industry 4.0“ Freely accessible teaching and learning platform for flexible continuing training

1. September 2021

First quantum computer to be unveiled in 2025 TU Braunschweig significantly involved with quantum and nanotechnologies

31. August 2021

Intelligent parking of the future Vehicles autonomously find their place in the Braunschweig research parking garage

13. July 2021

Over three million kilometres on electric patrol Positive conclusion: The police research project "lautlos und einsatzbereit" on electromobility shows many future areas of application

6. July 2021

Master of miniaturisation Why scalability wins the quantum race

11. October 2019

Neural Networks Against Food Intolerances From Idea to Startup

2. May 2018

The EU-funded ChipScope Project Gets Leading Companies on Board Focus on Research: At the Limit of Measurability

24. April 2017

Microchips replacing microscopes: How Superlight Photonics plans to make it big with tiny LEDs Focus on Research: At the Limit of Measurability