Tag: Sustainability

Oberbürgermeister Dr. Thorsten Kornblum, TU-Präsidentin Prof. Angela Ittel und der Niedersächsische Minister für Wissenschaft und Kultur, Falko Mohrs, (v.l.n.r.) haben heute einen Letter of Intent (LoI) zum CoLiving Campus unterzeichnet. 14. April 2023

On the way to a Science Quarter Land, TU and city sign Letter of Intent on CoLiving Campus

14. April 2023

A Centre for Climate Research in Lower Saxony Science Minister Falko Mohrs hands over funding notice

14. April 2023

For a safe and just climate future Katharina Beckmann on the new Zentrum Klimaforschung Niedersachsen

13. April 2023

Collaborative Research Centre AMC at BAU 2023 3D printing as a key technology for the digitalisation of the construction industry

13. April 2023

Science Minister visits the Research Airport TU Braunschweig gives overview of aerospace research

3. April 2023

Isolation without side effects TU Braunschweig supports development of climate-friendly circuit breakers

23. March 2023

A new start in Germany Scientist from Ukraine in the Isodrones team

22. March 2023

A visit to the OHLF Science Minister Falko Mohrs finds out about the Circular Economy in Wolfsburg

6. March 2023

Excursion to cold and wet fishes Human-environment relations in transition

2. March 2023

Building for fire research ZeBra research building handed over for fire experiments unique in Europe

27. February 2023

A test bench within a test bench Experimental infrastructure to investigate new rotor concepts, engine intakes and their interaction

27. February 2023

Countdown for climate Students build a ClimateCrisisClock at the Institute for Architecture-Related Art

8. February 2023

How the e-cargo bike can last longer New solutions to increase the intensity of use and extend the service life of e-cargo bikes

1. February 2023

Picture of the month: When fibres support the concrete wall Reinforcement for 3D printing from the "Additive Manufacturing in Construction" Collaborative Research Centre

26. January 2023

Sustainable management of existing buildings Development of a guideline for owners and project developers

19. January 2023

The secret of deep-rooted plants Dr. Matthias Beyer on his junior research group "Isodrones"

16. January 2023

Making aircraft more efficient – with distributed propellers New aircraft configuration being tested in the wind tunnel

11. January 2023

Optimising the resources of heritage buildings Institute for Building Climatology and Energy of Architecture develops new assessment and planning approaches

10. January 2023

Marine sediments from a depth of 8,000 metres Dr Marta Pérez Rodríguez on the “Island Impact” Expedition