Tag: Partners 11. March 2022 Microorganisms in Lake Constance convert tonnes of ammonium Microbiologists show how important ammonium-oxidising microorganisms are for Germany's largest lake 1. March 2022 Scientific cooperation with Russia temporarily stopped TU Braunschweig clarifies its position in light of the Russian attack on Ukraine 16. December 2021 Aircraft Construction and Maintenance: Automated with Mobile Robots Hi-Digit-Pro 4.0: Automated assembly of landing flap modules 7. October 2021 Thinking in alternatives – the “futures researcher“ Future researcher Stefanie Ollenburg develops scenarios in the Cluster of Excellence SE²A 4. October 2021 Tokyo and Braunschweig conduct joint research on qubit control Quantum computing collaboration between the Institute of CMOS Design and Keio University 5. July 2021 Thünen Institute and University consolidate cooperation in the City of Science Braunschweig Joint appointment of Professor Christina Umstätter 5. July 2021 The Neanderthal as an artist? Ancestor decorated bones over 50,000 years ago Find from Unicorn Cave in Lower Saxony sheds new light on ancestors' cognitive abilities 5. July 2021 How a newspaper article led to a strategic partnership International Partners of TU Braunschweig: The University of Rhode Island 10. February 2021 QVLS Launch-Event Kick-off of the Quantum Valley Lower Saxony 18. September 2020 Standard White From Ultraviolet to Infrared Irina Santourian from the Graduate School B-IGSM in portrait 4. March 2020 LiPLANET Bundles Know-how for Battery Production in Europe Development of a European Network Started 28. February 2020 The Week at TU Braunschweig Newsletter-Prototype | 20. February 2020 10. November 2017 Indonesian scientists visiting LENA Focus on Research: At the Limit of Measurability 12. May 2014 DFG promotes Braunschweig Research Training Group »NanoMet« 123