Tag: Mechanical Engineering

9. June 2023

Groundbreaking ceremony for Fraunhofer ZESS institute building at the Research Airport New project centre cooperates with the Battery LabFactory

8. June 2023

New large-scale research device: An eagle for sustainable flying E2AGLE - Laboratory approved for the development of new aircraft electrical systems

30. May 2023

At the university and in the city: “Mobility Days – Autonom und Digital”(Autonomous and Digital) Focus on autonomous driving: "Public Day" conference and action day

22. May 2023

Aircraft development: exploiting synergies and flying more efficiently DFG funds new Collaborative Research Centre at TU Braunschweig

17. May 2023

Acoustically appropriate engineering: Hirschvogel Prize goes to Christopher Blech Dissertation sets new standards for sustainable mobility

11. May 2023

Graduation ceremony for over 800 students and doctoral candidates Mechanical Engineering Day 2023

5. May 2023

Old clothes become bottles Technology Transfer Award of the IHK Braunschweig for TU researchers and TU spin-offs

15. March 2023

autoELF on the home straight TU Braunschweig installs interior and safety functions in autonomous research vehicle

1. March 2023

Batteries for electric aerospace Consortium develops optimised lithium-sulphur batteries

27. February 2023

A test bench within a test bench Experimental infrastructure to investigate new rotor concepts, engine intakes and their interaction

8. February 2023

How the e-cargo bike can last longer New solutions to increase the intensity of use and extend the service life of e-cargo bikes

16. January 2023

Making aircraft more efficient – with distributed propellers New aircraft configuration being tested in the wind tunnel

6. December 2022

Methane above the Baltic Sea Further successful atmospheric methane measurements above the Nord Stream leaks

Timm Wittmann 30. November 2022

The Optimal Air Supply Tim Wittmann researches air supply systems for hydrogen fuel cells in aircraft propulsion systems

10. November 2022

More efficient machining systems for more sustainable production Nadine Madanchi awarded the Manfred Hirschvogel Prize

10. November 2022

Mail from … Reykjavik TU students Aileen Brendel and Leif Tönjes talk about their stay abroad in Iceland

17. October 2022

Back at the Alma Mater Visiting Professor Rainald Löhner from the USA at the Institute of Structural Analysis

7. October 2022

TU Braunschweig and DLR successfully perform methane measurements at NordStream leaks Trailing probe investigates methane concentrations over the Baltic Sea

28. September 2022

New learning factory “Circular Battery Cell Production” comes to TU Braunschweig Learning environment for education and training being created for 3.7 million euros