Tag: Materials

17. May 2021

Reinforced Concrete Components From the 3D Printer Dr. Inka Dreßler on her research in the SFB "Additive Manufacturing in Construction"

17. December 2020

Pores against Turbulence Save fuel with newly designed wing surfaces

13. July 2020

MOONRISE: Bringing 3D printing to the moon Moondust melted under lunar conditions

2. December 2019

Picture of the month: 3D Printed Nutcracker From the Institute for Electrical Measurement Science and Fundamental Electrical Engineering

5. July 2019

10 million euros for lightweight construction research Second funding phase for Open Hybrid LabFactory confirmed

28. May 2019

MOONRISE: Bringing 3D-printing to the moon Melting moon dust with the laser

12. November 2018

New member of the management at the Fraunhofer IST Fraunhofer and Technische Universität Braunschweig intensify their cooperation

31. July 2018

3D printing with concrete: “Pushing the limits of kinematics” Robot-controlled production in unique facility

19. April 2018

Open Hybrid LabFactory gains new partner in Singapore Lightweight Construction Campus signs declaration of intent for future cooperation with SIMTech

24. April 2017

Microchips replacing microscopes: How Superlight Photonics plans to make it big with tiny LEDs Focus on Research: At the Limit of Measurability

15. April 2017

International and interdisciplinary: A team for luminous nanosensors Focus on Research: At the Limit of Measurability

21. October 2016

Genes on the rack Physical Chemists at TU Braunschweig have developed a novel nanotool that provides a facile means of characterizing the mechanical properties of biomolecules.