Tag: International

14. August 2023

The Fungi Connection: “All roads seem to lead to Braunschweig” How a graduate student’s venture into the world of forestry led to a connection that continues to grow

10. August 2023

Wind energy research and teaching at TU Braunschweig

8. August 2023

Mail from … Seoul Architecture student Eda Yesilyurt reports on her internship in South Korea

3. August 2023

First Erasmus Mundus Programme at TU Braunschweig

The European Union’s Erasmus+ education programme stands for Europe-wide cooperation…
TU-Mitarbeiterin Henrike Hoy in den schottischen Highlands. Foto: Henrike Hoy/TU Braunschweig 1. August 2023

Mail from … Glasgow TU staff member Henrike Hoy spent a week at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. The job shadowing at one of TU Braunschweig's strategic partner universities was conducted by the Erasmus+ Staff Programme

1. August 2023

Tireless Commitment to Responsible Chemistry Primo Levi Prize for Henning Hopf

31. July 2023

Fresh Ideas in Norway Gabriela Ventura Silva was a visiting researcher in Trondheim

20. July 2023

Student exchange in the spirit of Ganesha Outstanding students from Bombay as guests at TU Braunschweig

17. July 2023

Mail from … Israel Master's student Ruth Glebe traveled to Rehovot, in Israel, for a research internship

4. July 2023

Being a Ukrainian refugee at TU Braunschweig About the biologist Alona Velynska and her encounters in Germany

29. June 2023

On sabbatical in Braunschweig’s microelectronics US Professor Fa Foster Dai visits TU Braunschweig

22. June 2023

The Future of Internationalisation TU9 Conference and Evening Event in Berlin

20. June 2023

Mail from the ice (3) Magnus Asmussen and Dr.-Ing. Falk Pätzold report from Arctic expedition

20. June 2023

Mail from the ice (2) Magnus Asmussen and Dr.-Ing. Falk Pätzold report from Arctic expedition

20. June 2023

Mail from the ice (1) Magnus Asmussen and Dr.-Ing. Falk Pätzold report from Arctic expedition

15. June 2023

BepiColombo: Another flyby of Mercury Only three years until launch into orbit

14. June 2023

Athletic visit from Brazil Consultation on the curriculum for sports teacher training

6. June 2023

Alexander von Humboldt Professorship for Braunschweig Germany's highest research award granted to Daniel Prades from Barcelona

6. June 2023

“A unique opportunity in a career lifetime” Getting to know Daniel Prades, TU Braunschweig’s first Alexander von Humboldt-Professor