Tag: Hydraulic Engineering

7. June 2024

Coastal protection: innovation alone is not enough METAscales project explores sustainable approaches for safer coasts

31. May 2024

CoastAdapt: Sustainable coastal protection for Niedersachsen Braunschweig, Hannover and Oldenburg to jointly establish a coastal competence centre

29. April 2024

Optimal sea conditions in Braunschweig Unique European test facility to support offshore wind research

19. February 2024

#flut23: Search for photos and videos of the Christmas floods TU Braunschweig wants to improve flood protection

12. February 2024

INF4INiTY – a joint innovative floating offshore wind project A large EU consortium joins efforts to develop integrated nature-inclusive designs for future floating offshore wind farm technology

8. February 2024

AngryWaters – Protecting coasts from extreme events Prof. Nils Goseberg receives ERC Consolidator Grant

25. January 2024

Mail from … South Korea PhD student Jan Hitzegrad from the Leichtweiß Institute of Hydraulic Engineering reports on his research stay in Seoul

19. January 2024

Strategies for dealing with extreme marine events and natural hazards Third DAM research mission mareXtreme launched with TU Braunschweig participation

15. January 2024

How Europe’s Mega-Floods Are Becoming Predictable Professor Kai Schröter on flood prevention

18. December 2023

A Look at the Future of Coastal Cities Junior research group "Future Urban Coastlines" collaborates with the University of Venice

13. December 2023

Offshore wind power: When the seabed liquefies Collaborative project investigates seafloor changes in the Large Wave Current Channel

8. November 2023

The Hidden Water Under Our Feet Leichtweiß-Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources conducts groundwater research in Braunschweig

19. September 2023

When the Storm Surge Hits the House on the Coast Best Paper Award for Dr.-Ing. Clemens Krautwald from the Leichtweiß-Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources

14. September 2023

No stress for mussels and barnacles A visit to the construction site of the saltwater wave current flume

30. June 2023

Extended Large Wave Current Flume with the World’s Largest Wave Machine Opened Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection Robert Habeck and Minister President Stephan Weil put the research facility into operation together with participants from the universities

30. May 2023

Towards more sustainability in offshore wind energy Anemoi project investigates chemical emissions from wind turbines

31. March 2023

Sea Future Parliamentary Evening of the German Marine Research Alliance

24. January 2023

Marine conditions in Braunschweig Leichtweiß-Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources receives saltwater wave flow channel

8. December 2022

Wanted: International Scientific Talents Professor Nils Goseberg is the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's Henriette Herz Scout