Tag: Health

17. November 2021

Lower Saxony Science Award goes to Professor Arno Kwade and student initiative MethodAid Awarded for research achievements and social commitment

9. November 2021

BionicWalker Development and research of a prosthetic fitting for partial foot amputations started

Am Donnerstag, 16. September, steht ein mobiles Impfteam des Impfzentrums Braunschweig zum letzten Mal vor dem Altgebäude der TU Braunschweig. Bildnachweis: Markus Hörster/TU Braunschweig 4. November 2021

Mobile vaccination team to come earlier Appointments on 08 and 09 November

Am Donnerstag, 16. September, steht ein mobiles Impfteam des Impfzentrums Braunschweig zum letzten Mal vor dem Altgebäude der TU Braunschweig. Bildnachweis: Markus Hörster/TU Braunschweig 13. September 2021

Mobile vaccination team comes to campus again On Thursday, September 16, vaccinations with Johnson & Johnson's COVID-19 vaccine will be available without an appointment

Ein Bauarbeiter mit Helm und Warnweste trinkt aus einer Wasserflasche. 6. July 2021

When it gets too hot on the construction site Prof. Patrick Schwerdtner and Luisa Kynast on the "KlimaBau" project

Die Abbildung zeigt eine mikroskopische Aufnahme des Maus-Hippocampus. In roter Farbe sind die A-beta-Ablagerungen sichtbar gemacht worden. Um diese Alzheimer-typischen Ablagerungen in der Maus untersuchen zu können, sind spezielle Mausmodelle notwendig, die auch von der AG Korte im Rahmen dieser Studie verwendet wurden. Bildnachweis: Holz, Korte/TU Braunschweig 28. June 2021

How Does Alzheimer’s Disease Begin? "Deep is the well of the past. Should it not be called unfathomable?" (Thomas Mann)

22. June 2021

Science communication during pandemics New research project examines the role of social media discussions

15. June 2021

The Patient Room of the Future Comes to Braunschweig Cooperation between TU Braunschweig, Fraunhofer IST and Municipal Hospital

Portraitfoto von Professor Guillermo Payá Vayá 8. June 2021

Coffee, crisps and online teaching Guillermo Payá Vayá starts as Professor for Chip Design for Embedded Computing

2. June 2021

Learning from the online semesters Special challenges of studying with a disability

1. April 2021

Picture of the Month April: Not one Cell like the Other Submitted by Professor Christian Sieben

8. January 2021

Sharing Data from Health Research The Peter L. Reichertz Institute for Medical Informatics (PLRI) is a partner in the large-scale EU research project FAIR4Health

1. October 2020

Preventing Disease Through Architecture Dr. Wolfgang Sunder on the research of the Institute for Constructive Design, Industrial and Health Building

26. August 2019

Testing Active Ingredients and Drugs with Chip Systems New Human Nasal Mucosa and Cornea Model for Preclinical Testing of Drug Candidates

20. June 2019

Big Data for a virtual emergency register 1.2 million euros for research to make rescue services more efficient in the future

29. March 2017

Antiviral antibodies against Marburg virus World´s first protective antibodies against Marburg virus developed

23. March 2017

TU Braunschweig: Partner in a Challenging European Research Project to Develop New Tiny Microscopes

30. November 2016

Fighting Diphtheria: replacing horse sera with human antibodies Antibody engineers from TU Braunschweig will make better drugs