Press releases 7. November 2023 Pilot Plant for Circular Battery Production CircularLab of the Battery LabFactory Braunschweig (BLB) opened at the Research Airport 6. November 2023 Under the microscope: Motivation of nascent entrepreneurs Presentation of the Stöbich Entrepreneurship PhD Award 2023 6. November 2023 Heinrich Büssing Prize for solving hard problems Computer scientist Dr Phillip Keldenich awarded 10,000 euro prize 2. November 2023 Textbook knowledge turned on its head: 3-in-1 microorganism discovered Study on environmentally relevant microorganisms shows greater diversity than previously assumed 30. October 2023 28 x Urban Development in Denmark Exhibition and discussion on the livable city 26. October 2023 Feuer und Flamme für die Zukunft: Zentrum für Brandforschung eröffnet 26. October 2023 Autonomous truck sets course for motorway ATLAS-L4 funding project records important milestones 23. October 2023 Building with the 3D Printer, Young Talent for the Microchip: Stephan Weil Visits TU Braunschweig Prime Minister learns about digital building fabrication and microelectronics 23. October 2023 Federal Cross of Merit for Professor Ulrike Pilarczyk TU Braunschweig educational scientist honoured 13. October 2023 Technische Universität Braunschweig named ‘Rising Star of the Year’ in Paper Atlas 2023 University honoured for increased use of recycled paper 4. October 2023 How will people live in the city of the future? Conference #SdZ23": Research and actions for positive change 29. September 2023 German Architecture Award Goes to TU Braunschweig’s Student House Architectural lighthouse is an excellent place for students to learn 28. September 2023 Last-minute university places Apply now! 28. September 2023 3D Printing in Construction: Pioneering Research for the Construction of the Future Conference with visionaries of digital construction and 3D-printed demonstrators at full scale 26. September 2023 With the Rammed Earth Robot on the Construction Site TU Braunschweig further develops old construction technology with additive manufacturing 12. September 2023 Studying in the rail transport region Braunschweig Tag der Schiene with TU Braunschweig 12. September 2023 Sustainable aviation research for pupils Register now for the research club "changING" of the Cluster of Excellence SE²A! 11. September 2023 Research starts on West Nile fever TU Braunschweig develops therapeutic antibodies and vaccines against West Nile Virus 8. September 2023 University of Melbourne and TU Braunschweig to collaborate more closely Memorandum of Understanding signed today 7. September 2023 In-Person Kinder-Uni Braunschweig returns! "Zero Waste" lecture with accompanying podcast series «‹456789101112›»