CO_LIVING CAMPUS: The participation process enters the second round Application for the CO_WORKSHOP in October is now possible
Joint press release by TU Braunschweig and the City of Braunschweig
At the North Campus of Technische Universität Braunschweig on Bienroder Weg in the Nordstadt district, the CO_LIVING CAMPUS is intended to be a quarter that brings together science and urban society in an urban space and invites active participation. The City of Braunschweig and TU Braunschweig want to develop the campus and the neighbouring municipal sports grounds east of Beethovenstraße into a model quarter. The participation process is entering its second round with a five-day “CO_WORKSHOP”. This will take place at North Campus and last from Monday, 9 October, to Friday, 13 October 2023.

The previous participation process for the CoLiving Campus has taken place in the garages at North Campus. Photo credit: City of Braunschweig/ Daniela Nielsen
Each day there will be an eight-hour programme and various work modules. Interested persons are invited to apply for participation. Registration is now possible via an online form on the homepage until 16 July. All important information can also be found there. The CO_WORKSHOP is open to all people who live, work, train or study in Braunschweig.
The CO_WORKSHOP continues the first participation module of the CO_NFERENCE. From 15 to 30 June, citizens, members of TU, initiatives, associations and local organisations had the opportunity to find out about the cooperative project and to get into conversation about it. In addition to expert impulses and an open hands-on workshop, guided tours of the neighbourhood were offered. The suggestions and results from the CO_NFERENCE will be summarised, published and discussed in depth in the CO_WORKSHOP.
Prof. Dr. Angela Ittel, President of TU Braunschweig: “The participation and planning process within the framework of the CO_LIVING CAMPUS offers many opportunities. In particular, we have the opportunity here to enter into an inter- and transdisciplinary exchange with urban society and at the same time to strengthen the synergies within our university at this location. Through an engaged dialogue and cooperation between all, we can create a liveable and sustainable environment here.”
Dr. Thorsten Kornblum, Lord Mayor of the City of Braunschweig: “With the model project, we want to shape not only the science quarter itself, but also the path to it cooperatively from the very beginning, i.e. even before there are concrete plans and projects. The CO_WORKSHOP gives citizens the opportunity to rediscover and help shape the North Campus. How do we want to live in the future? How can social and ecological concerns be taken into account? These are the important questions at stake, and all citizens are called upon to contribute their ideas and impulses.”
The CO_WORKSHOP: The details
The CO_WORKSHOP on the development of an urban quarter for living, researching, living and working in the north of Braunschweig is a five-day participation and education programme organised by the City of Braunschweig and Technische Universität Braunschweig as part of the joint CO_LIVING CAMPUS project. The moderated workshop week led by experts offers the opportunity to actively and intensively engage with the project development and various topics and to participate in the future development of the CO_LIVING CAMPUS. All that is required for participation is an interest in the format and topic, but no special prior knowledge. All people who are interested in how urban districts can develop and change and who want to help shape their city are welcome to participate. All the tools and methods needed to participate will be taught during the workshop.
The programme includes site visits, impulse lectures, discussions and moderated working formats. After an introduction to the content of the topics CO, LIVING, CAMPUS and NATURE for all participants, four “project offices” are formed. Smaller groups will work on the respective topics together with moderators and experts. Using various tools and approaches, the “project offices” develop ideas and recommendations. The results will be presented and discussed at a closing event on Friday, 13 October. All results will be published in a walk-in archive and additionally documented for scientific purposes and made accessible to the public. The participation agency “Project Office” will write a recommendation report from the results that will be included in the further planning phases.
After registration
After the application deadline, the available places will be allocated by the participation agency “Project Office”. Subsequently, all applicants will receive feedback. The group should consist of different people in order to reflect many different perspectives in the discussions. Therefore, the aim is to have a diverse composition of participants as possible (e.g. people of different ages, genders and origins; people with and without disabilities; people in training and professionals; students, academic staff, professors and representatives of the university administration). The city society and the students and employees of TU Braunschweig are each allocated 20 places. The selection is made by the “Project Office” on the basis of anonymised data. In addition, members of local initiatives, associations and faculties with a direct connection to the area will receive a limited number of places.
Recognition and educational leave
People who work in Lower Saxony as employees, trainees and employees in workshops for the disabled can take time off for educational leave (recognised by the Agency for Adult and Continuing Education). For students, there is the possibility of recognition of credit points.