
16. June 2021

Moving into the ZELUBA® Fraunhofer WKI intensifies research into sustainable building materials at new location

14. June 2021

Companies as socio-technical systems Optimising skills, processes and products through Advanced Systems Engineering

14. June 2021

Digital Semester Abroad Studying in the world from home

11. June 2021

The future of the energy and water reservoir in the Harz Mountains Leichtweiß-Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources simulates possible variants

11. June 2021

The Week at TU Braunschweig │11.06.2021 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Woman with mask in front of a stack of laptops 9. June 2021

Preparatory Courses in Corona Times Braunschweigischer Hochschulbund donates notebooks for refugees

Portraitfoto von Professor Guillermo Payá Vayá 8. June 2021

Coffee, crisps and online teaching Guillermo Payá Vayá starts as Professor for Chip Design for Embedded Computing

5. June 2021

Mail from … Linköping Lea Schmitt is studying for a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and talks about her time abroad in Sweden

3. June 2021

The human being in urban space Professor Vanessa Miriam Carlow on the ISU Space Lab

2. June 2021

Learning from the online semesters Special challenges of studying with a disability

1. June 2021

Picture of the Month: The Air-Raid Shelter Under the Okerhochhaus A Location of the TU-Night 2021 - Lost Places and "Future Talks"

28. May 2021

The Week at TU Braunschweig │28.05.2021 Our Newsletter for all Employees

21. May 2021

The Week at TU Braunschweig │21.05.2021 Our Newsletter for all Employees

17. May 2021

Reinforced Concrete Components From the 3D Printer Dr. Inka Dreßler on her research in the SFB "Additive Manufacturing in Construction"

14. May 2021

The Week at TU Braunschweig │14.05.2021 Our Newsletter for all Employees

12. May 2021

More Stress, Fewer Frogs? Zoological Institute investigates environmental stress as a possible cause for creeping decline of grass frogs

12. May 2021

Working While Studying Aaron Bongartz from Students@Work helps with labor law issues

11. May 2021

Sugar Exposes Bacteria How biologists and chemists from Israel and Germany make potentially dangerous bacteria visible

7. May 2021

The Week at TU Braunschweig │07.05.2021 Our Newsletter for all Employees

5. May 2021

Acoustic Treasure Hunt SE²A research club "changING" explored the world of acoustics