
8. February 2023

Earthquake in Turkey and Syria TU Braunschweig stands in solidarity with those affected by the catastrophe

7. February 2023

A pavilion for Braunschweig’s city centre Exhibition shows competition entries by Architecture students

Jana Szeimies, Referentin der Koordinierungsstelle Diversity. Bildnachweis: Markus Hörster/TU Braunschweig 7. February 2023

Working together for a queer-friendly TU Braunschweig Focus 2023: queer@TU

Gruppenbild der Mexiko-Delegation mit TU-Präsidentin Angela Ittel und Vizepräsidentin Tatjana Schneider. 6. February 2023

High-ranking delegation from Mexico was welcomed Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México visits TU Braunschweig

3. February 2023

The Week at TU Braunschweig │03.02.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

1. February 2023

Mail from … Seoul Florian Köbbe is studying computer science in his fifth master's semester and talks about his stay abroad in South Korea.

1. February 2023

University elections 2023: The results are in! Significant increase in voter turnout

1. February 2023

Picture of the month: When fibres support the concrete wall Reinforcement for 3D printing from the "Additive Manufacturing in Construction" Collaborative Research Centre

Artur Atamantschuk steht vor der Eingangstür zum Geschäftsbereich 3. 30. January 2023

International faces of TU Braunschweig Meet Artur Atamantschuk

27. January 2023

Remembering and reminding indispensable TU Braunschweig commemorates the victims of National Socialism

27. January 2023

The Week at TU Braunschweig │27.01.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

26. January 2023

Sustainable management of existing buildings Development of a guideline for owners and project developers

24. January 2023

Marine conditions in Braunschweig Leichtweiß-Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources receives saltwater wave flow channel

24. January 2023

Artificial intelligence made of light Professor Christian Werner on his cooperation with LENA

Gruppenbild von Vertreter*innen der Universitäten Tampere und Braunschweig. 23. January 2023

Visitors from Finland TU Braunschweig welcomes delegation of Tampere University

23. January 2023

On the death of Prof. Carl H. Hahn Technische Universität Braunschweig mourns the death of its Honorary Senator

23. January 2023

Business models for top research Students develop concepts for market launch of TU research results

20. January 2023

The Week at TU Braunschweig │20.01.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

19. January 2023

The secret of deep-rooted plants Dr. Matthias Beyer on his junior research group "Isodrones"

19. January 2023

Your vote counts University and student elections in the winter semester 2022/23