6. November 2020 | Magazine:

The Week at TU Braunschweig │06.11.2020 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Topics: Video + Solar System + Digger + Superloupe + Early Risers + Scholarships + Election Proposals + Digital Holidays + Networking

Editor: Viktoria Heyer

► Video message for employees

The Carolo-Wilhelmina is once again in severely restricted operation. In a video Dietmar Smyrek, Vice President for Human Resources, Finance and Infrastructure (HVP), addresses what will be important in the winter months in dealing with the pandemic.

► Be part of our network!

Right from the editing stage there is a new image video of the TU Braunschweig, which presents the wide range of outstanding research and teaching as well as the particularly endearing environment in the city and on campus.

► Excavators instead of waves

The extension of the Large Wave Channel at Forschungszentrum Küste to GWKplus has begun. In addition to a more powerful wave machine, the wave channel will be equipped with a circulating current system, with which tidal currents as in the sea can be studied for the first time, and a deep section. Construction is scheduled to be completed by early September 2022.

► Extra-fine tool with superloupe

The Focused Ion Beam Microscope shoots gallium ions in LENA – and looks with the electron microscope to see how well it has hit. In an interview, the large device itself tells how it cuts samples to size until they are a thousand times thinner than paper.

► The formation of micro-planets

Dwarf planets, asteroids, Kuiper Belt objects and comets could help to better understand the origin of the solar system. Models of these planetary objects and experiments are used to analyse their physical formation and transformation processes. The Institute of Geophysics and extraterrestrial Physics is is working on this together with the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa.

► New research network for the construction world

The SFB/TRR 277 “Additive Manufacturing in Civil Engineering” is part of the new research network “Research Network for Advancing Architecture, Engineering and Construction” (AdvanceAEC). The aim is to advance architecture, engineering and construction through digital technologies and an interdisciplinary approach.

► Struwwelpeter digital

Our university library is involved in the culture hackathon “Coding da Vinci” in two ways: On the one hand, as an organiser, it brings together hackers with an affinity for culture with museums, libraries and archives. On the other hand, the hackathon aims to create new formats for the University Library’s huge collection of children’s and young people’s books.

► DAAD Online School “smARTerials

A four-week online school on “Smart Artificial Materials, digitally engineered” is currently taking place, jointly organised by Dr. Jens-Uwe Böhrnsen from the Institute for Engineering Design and Prof. Georgios Stavroulakis from the TU Crete. The aim is to attract Greek students for exchange programmes and double-degree programmes at the Carolo-Wilhelmina.

► Open City Berlin

As part of the research project “Open City: Theories, Perspectives, Instruments” by the Institute for Sustainable Urbanism (ISU), an online discussion on 11 November will examine different perspectives of openness using Berlin as an example. Participating in the dialogue series of the German Institute of Urbanism: ISU director Prof. Vanessa Carlow.

► Carolo-Wilhelmina scholarships – application deadline extension

The Carolo-Wilhelmina-Foundation awards the Carolo-Wilhelmina Scholarships annually to support students at the TU Braunschweig whose study projects are threatened by uncertain financing or whose studies are about to be discontinued for purely financial reasons. Due to the current corona situation, the application deadline has been extended to 20 November 2020.

► Vote!

Everybody is looking at the USA, and we are also voting! This winter semester, the focus is on the Senate, faculty councils, the Commission for Equal Opportunities and the doctoral student council. Nominations are possible until 27 November, 12 noon. More information is available after login to the information portal.

► Best Practice: The “Digital Holidays” project of the TU Family Office

The Carolo-Wilhelmina is present at the week of compatibility with the good practice example “digital holidays” of the family office. The digital holiday weeks in summer and autumn, organised for the first time by the Family Office and teacher training students, received a lot of positive feedback from children and parents. Plans are therefore underway for a further round in the winter holidays.

► A home for the Braunschweiger Schule

… was given 20 years ago with the architecture pavilion. It was built on the initiative of the former head of the Institute for Architectural Design Prof. Meinhard von Gerkan. This month the pavilion is our picture of the month. As always, we look forward to receiving further photo suggestions at mailto:presse@tu-braunschweig.de.

► Darling of the week

Our darling of the week is a fresh student at the TU Braunschweig and reports on his first impressions in a video. Timur is studying for a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering and Management and we are already looking forward to more videos about his studies at the Carolo-Wilhelmina. And we hope that his student ID has returned…