Campus Life

24. February 2023

The Week at TU Braunschweig │24.02.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

24. February 2023

Solidarity with Ukraine Statement by the President of the TU Braunschweig

17. February 2023

The Week at TU Braunschweig │17.02.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

10. February 2023

The Week at TU Braunschweig │10.02.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

8. February 2023

Earthquake in Turkey and Syria TU Braunschweig stands in solidarity with those affected by the catastrophe

Jana Szeimies, Referentin der Koordinierungsstelle Diversity. Bildnachweis: Markus Hörster/TU Braunschweig 7. February 2023

Working together for a queer-friendly TU Braunschweig Focus 2023: queer@TU

3. February 2023

The Week at TU Braunschweig │03.02.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

1. February 2023

University elections 2023: The results are in! Significant increase in voter turnout

Artur Atamantschuk steht vor der Eingangstür zum Geschäftsbereich 3. 30. January 2023

International faces of TU Braunschweig Meet Artur Atamantschuk

27. January 2023

Remembering and reminding indispensable TU Braunschweig commemorates the victims of National Socialism

27. January 2023

The Week at TU Braunschweig │27.01.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

20. January 2023

The Week at TU Braunschweig │20.01.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

19. January 2023

Your vote counts University and student elections in the winter semester 2022/23

13. January 2023

The Week at TU Braunschweig │13.01.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

22. December 2022

Jewish cultural heritage in the digital world Cooperation with the University Library makes digitisation of Judaica possible

21. December 2022

Welcome to the Student House A new space for student life

16. December 2022

President’s greeting at the turn of the year 2022 video review by Angela Ittel

16. December 2022

The Week at TU Braunschweig │16.12.2022 Our Newsletter for all Employees

15. December 2022

We are taking a winter break Closing times of TU Braunschweig help save energy