11. August 2023 | Magazine:

The Week at TU Braunschweig │11.08.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Topics: Statement after destruction of the rainbow flag + 7th edition of “Stadtradeln” + Medal at the FISU Games in Chengdu

Editor: Dilara Aktaş

► Governance board strongly condemns theft and destruction of the rainbow flag

In a statement, President Angela Ittel, on behalf of the entire Governance Board, condemned violence, aggression and vandalism of any kind and stressed the importance of the flag to the university as a symbol of tolerance, cosmopolitanism and inclusion of all people. The rainbow flag was quickly replaced and now flies on University Square, surrounded by the two TU flags.

► Call for proposals: Climate Future Labs

The state is supporting the establishment of future laboratories for the forest ecosystem and climate-friendly urban development with up to 20 million euros. In order to advance research in these areas, the MWK is funding up to four Climate Future Labs. The  Centre for Climate Research in Lower Saxony, located at TU Braunschweig, is responsible for coordination and support.

► In summary: Wind energy in research and teaching

Wind energy research and teaching have a long tradition at the TU Braunschweig. A number of ongoing projects, cooperations and new measurement campaigns show how strongly this area is developing across institutes. An overview.

► GAIN 2023: TU Braunschweig is part of it!

On August 25-27, TU Braunschweig will be present at the annual meeting of the German Academic International Network (GAIN23) in Boston, USA, with several workshops and an exhibition booth.

► Congratulations

… to Neira Babovic. The research fellow in the Collaborative Research Centre TRR 277 Additive Manufacturing in Construction (AMC), was awarded the “Best Student Paper Award” by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM International).

► Congratulations

… also to Aaron Erfanian and Felix Heinrich. The two students took excellent places in the rowing competitions at the FISU Games in Chengdu, China. Aaron Erfanian took fourth place in the double sculls, while Felix Heinrich secured third place in the mixed double sculls.

► We have mail from Seoul!

Architecture student Eda Yesilyurt shares her experiences from her five-week internship in South Korea in our latest edition of “Mail from…”. She writes about her life there and the fascinating architecture in South Korea.

► Collect kilometres and help the climate!

From 27 August to 16 September, the seventh edition of “Stadtradeln” organised by the Klimabündnis e.V. will take place. The team of TU Braunschweig will participate again this year as the defending champion with the most collected points and the best individual results. Register now and be part of it!

► Darling of the week

Next week it’s time again. The flowers of probably the most impressive plant in our Botanical Garden, the tropical giant water lily Victoria (Victoria cruziana), will open. As this only happens at dawn, the garden will be open until 22:00 on the 15 and 16 August. Refreshments will be provided on both evenings, and there will be plenty of information on plants and gardens, as well as rare plants for sale.

► Events

There is always something going at TU Braunschweig in the upcoming week. Whether lectures, discussions, information events, concerts, films and much more. Take a look at our calendar of events and let yourself be inspired.