Tag: Executive Board

31. January 2022

“Teaching in English has many aspects that are enormously important for TU Braunschweig” TU President Angela Ittel and StuPA President Sabrina Ammann in interview

11. January 2022

Spotlight: Quo vadis “Future City“? Topics and highlights of the President’s schedule

7. January 2022

Spotlight: Sufficient scope for top-level research Topics and highlights of the President’s schedule

21. December 2021

Video: Executive Board at the turn of the year TU President Angela Ittel thanks all members of TU Braunschweig

Bildnachweis: Markus Hörster/TU Braunschweig 17. December 2021

Video: Going into the winter break safely Corona pandemic: tips from virologist Prof. Melanie Brinkmann

3. December 2021

Video: The latest on the Corona-virus situation TU President Angela Ittel in conversation with virologist Melanie Brinkmann

2. December 2021

The Power of Networking Topics and highlights of the President’s schedule

2. November 2021

Spotlight: Internationalisation has many facets Topics and highlights of the President’s schedule

4. October 2021

Spotlight: The University Development Initiative 2030 Developing concepts for the future together

27. September 2021

Spotlight: A visit to Faculty 6 – The Future of Learning Topics and highlights of the President’s schedule

20. September 2021

Spotlight: A visit to Faculty 1, the Carl-Friedrich-Gauss-Faculty Topics and highlights of the president’s schedule

Professor Berthold H. Penkhues vom Institut für experimentelles Entwerfen zeigte mir und Prof. Durner aktuelle Arbeiten von Architektur-Studierenden. Bildnachweis: Markus Hörster/TU Braunschweig 14. September 2021

Spotlight: Faculty Visits 4 – Diversity from Architecture to ZeBra The President's topics and appointments

10. September 2021

The inauguration in pictures Impressions of the Meet-up and the festive event

1. September 2021

Spotight: A new impetus We have redesigned our newsletter for you

6. August 2021

Spotlight: Faculty Visits 3 – Two gardens and much more on the tour of the life sciences institutes The President's topics and appointments

29. July 2021

Spotlight: Faculty visits 2 – Team spirit in electrical engineering, information technology, physics The President's topics and appointments

28. July 2021

Spotlight: Faculty visits 1 – the “Tour de Maschinenbau” The President's topics and appointments

21. June 2021

Minister Börn Thümler Appoints Angela Ittel as New President of the TU Braunschweig The psychologist and science manager takes office on July 1

17. June 2021

New Degree Program: International Alignment and Focus on Sustainability Bachelor Sustainable Engineering of Products and Processes to start in winter semester