Tag: Young Scientists

10. January 2023

Marine sediments from a depth of 8,000 metres Dr Marta Pérez Rodríguez on the “Island Impact” Expedition

8. December 2022

Wanted: International Scientific Talents Professor Nils Goseberg is the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's Henriette Herz Scout

3. November 2022

NFL Research Day 2022 The latest news from sustainable aviation research

20. October 2022

“The advice was essential for my path” Professor Boas Pucker on career mentoring for early career researchers

18. October 2022

Expedition Himalaya: Palaeoclimatology in the Nepalese high mountains A Nepalese-German research trip of biologists and geologists to lake Gosainkunda

11. October 2022

Between Tibetan tradition and pink bouncy castle Living with Yak Herders in Tibet, Part 4: Off to the horse racing festival!

4. October 2022

Setting off on a stormy research trip Dr Marta Pérez Rodríguez on her participation in the "Polarstern" expedition to South Georgia

30. September 2022

“A true highlight” The network meeting of holders of the Deutschlandstipendium and sponsors

What a welcome from the ISU team: Yevheniia Berchul will soon be a research fellow in the SpACE Lab. Picture credits: ISU/TU Braunschweig 25. August 2022

Yevheniia Berchul becomes research fellow at the Institute for Sustainable Urbanism Architect from Ukraine investigates the impact of war on the environment

16. August 2022

Chasing viruses and antibodies with magnets Dr. Aidin Lak, Head of the "Metrology4Life" Junior Research Group

19. July 2022

Doing research like the pros Successful conclusion for three years of the research club "changING" in the Cluster of Excellence SE²A

Group photo with Alexander Barke (third from left), his supervisor Prof. Manbir Sodhi (left) and some Master's students. 18. July 2022

Mail from … Rhode Island PhD Student Alexander Barke reports on his research stay in Rhode Island, USA

13. July 2022

3D printing in zero gravity Student initiative involved in DLR and ESA experiment

6. July 2022

Mail from … Irvine PhD student Tim Wittmann reports on his research stay in California, USA

20. June 2022

Flying through turbulence undisturbed Dr André Bauknecht heads the Junior Research Group "Flow Physics of Load Reduction" in the Cluster of Excellence SE²A

20. June 2022

Postdoc Day 2022 Arriving and networking at TU Braunschweig

Mathematiker Prof. Timo de Wolff vom Institut für Analysis und Algebra der TU Braunschweig ist neuer Sprecher der Jungen Akademie. Bildnachweis: Peter Himsel/Die Junge Akademie 15. June 2022

Prof. Timo de Wolff new speaker of the Junge Akademie Mathematics professor at TU Braunschweig elected for a one-year term of office

31. May 2022

Reboot: Research Funding Network starts up again Experienced colleagues offer support during the application process

12. May 2022

Mail from … Santa Barbara PhD student Fabian Kleischmann reports on his research stay in the USA