Tag: Transfer 24. June 2021 For more sustainability on Campus The newly established "Green Office" at TU Braunschweig 18. September 2020 Standard White From Ultraviolet to Infrared Irina Santourian from the Graduate School B-IGSM in portrait 11. October 2019 Neural Networks Against Food Intolerances From Idea to Startup 30. August 2019 What does Tenure Track mean to you? Five questions for Junior Professor Miriam Langlotz 26. August 2019 It’s the heads that matter! Questions for Vice President Professor Peter Hecker: How do we support young scientists? 23. August 2019 Opening doors for young researchers An interim review of the Early Career Grants and the Agnes-Pockels Fellowships 2. May 2018 The EU-funded ChipScope Project Gets Leading Companies on Board Focus on Research: At the Limit of Measurability 10. November 2017 Indonesian scientists visiting LENA Focus on Research: At the Limit of Measurability 24. April 2017 Microchips replacing microscopes: How Superlight Photonics plans to make it big with tiny LEDs Focus on Research: At the Limit of Measurability «‹7891011