Tag: Metrology

THz-Kanalmessungen in einer Flugzeugkabine; Foto Tobias Doeker 21. November 2022

Measuring systems for the communication technology of the future DFG Research Group "Metrology for THz Communications" extended

18. November 2022

Playing with quanta phaeno and TU Braunschweig present joint exhibits

15. November 2022

North German Science Award also goes to Braunschweig Research project "Homeo-Hirn" awarded second prize

Die Okertalsperre im Harz im Oktober 2022: Anhaltende Trockenheit führt zu niedrigem Wasserstand und Baumsterben, was wiederum die Böden anfälliger und weniger aufnahmefähig für Niederschläge macht. Bildnachweis: Sándor Fekete/TU Braunschweig 8. November 2022

Drought and flood disasters EXDIMUM joint project of TU Braunschweig investigates extreme water events

7. November 2022

Inaugural Lectures by Prof. Dr Christoph Karrasch and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eduard Jorswieck Quantum Mechanics in Low Dimensions From Digital Communications to Quantum Networks

27. October 2022

German-Japanese Summer Visiting Tokyo with Professor Vadim Issakov

4. October 2022

Picture of the month: Five seconds of fog Precision wind measurements of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt

16. August 2022

Chasing viruses and antibodies with magnets Dr. Aidin Lak, Head of the "Metrology4Life" Junior Research Group

11. August 2022

Going for a microwave Adventure Vadim Issakov as Distinguished Microwave Lecturer 2023-2025

1. August 2022

Boost for quantum computer development ERDF funding accelerates installation of new laboratory structures for the miniaturisation of components

27. July 2022

Standards for biomolecular medicine BRICS and PTB decide on cooperation

19. July 2022

15 Million Euros for Quantum Industry Transfer TU Braunschweig is successful with QVLS-iLabs in the Clusters4Future programme

5. July 2022

The Barcelona-Braunschweig LED-connection Interview with Professor Daniel Prades from the University of Barcelona

1. July 2022

Picture of the Month: Atom by atom towards the perfect LED From the Institute of Applied Physics

22. June 2022

Breaking GaN Precise instruments for the next generation of LED chips

1. June 2022

Picture of the Month: False colours in the UV-LED From the Institute of Semiconductor Technology

1. June 2022

Stephan Weil visits Lower Saxony’s quantum computer prototype Minister President travels to Quantum Valley Lower Saxony

Der Stand vom Quantum Valley Lower Saxony (QVLS) auf der Hannover Messe 2022 in Halle 2 Stand A27-A29. Bildnachweis: Matyas Kovacs/QVLS 30. May 2022

First quantum industry transfer at the Hannover Messe Cooperation between Deutsche Messe AG and Quantum Valley Lower Saxony (QVLS)

25. May 2022

Free the cat with quantum gates Playful entry into the quantum world with virtual reality