Tag: Metrology

29. June 2023

On sabbatical in Braunschweig’s microelectronics US Professor Fa Foster Dai visits TU Braunschweig

6. June 2023

Alexander von Humboldt Professorship for Braunschweig Germany's highest research award granted to Daniel Prades from Barcelona

6. June 2023

“A unique opportunity in a career lifetime” Getting to know Daniel Prades, TU Braunschweig’s first Alexander von Humboldt-Professor

1. June 2023

Ready, set, go quantum! New Master's programme "Quantum Technologies in Electrical and Computer Engineering" starts in the winter semester 2023/24

1. June 2023

Picture of the month: Rare earth-doped nanoparticles Developing biomarkers with versatile properties at the Laboratory for Emerging Nanometrology (LENA)

19. April 2023

Quantum sensors on the road to application Harvard University and TU Braunschweig on quantum sensor technology in biomedicine

12. April 2023

Trade fair topics: Autonomous driving, safety in the workplace with AI and quantum technologies TU Braunschweig at Hannover Messe 2023

1. April 2023

This crystal is to become smaller Picture of the month from the Cluster of Excellence QuantumFrontiers

7. March 2023

Twisted light opens up new insights Doctoral student Silvia Müllner on her journey towards the limits of the measurable

23. February 2023

Single-molecule MRI through quantum sensors Nearly five million euros in funding for MRI in the nanometre range

14. February 2023

Europe’s quantum heart beats in Lower Saxony this year Quantum Valley Lower Saxony set to host Europe's largest quantum conference in October 2023

13. February 2023

QuantumFrontiers MasterClass in Istanbul Researchers from Braunschweig visit Turkey's top school

8. February 2023

Quantum know-how for industries and decision-makers Europe-wide network for quantum training kicked off

24. January 2023

Artificial intelligence made of light Professor Christian Werner on his cooperation with LENA

12. January 2023

Measuring individual molecules with diamond quantum sensors Interview with Professor Nabeel Aslam

21. December 2022

O nanotree, O nanotree ... how small are your leaves

6. December 2022

Working together for excellent research Academic Alliance Braunschweig-Hannover has laid the foundation for two Clusters of Excellence

Das Pyrochlorgitter, ein Nährboden für Spin-Eis, Quanten-Spin-Eis und emergente Elementarteilchen, ist das Logo des SFB 1143. Bildnachweis: Wolfram Brenig/TU Braunschweig 1. December 2022

Topology: A Revolution for Physics Third funding period approved for Collaborative Research Centre 1143

22. November 2022

Double period on quantum computing First MasterClass on quantum computers at Braunschweig's Wilhelm-Gymnasium