Tag: Engagement

14. June 2024

Towards greater equality in education Student initiative helps disadvantaged pupils

7. June 2024

Successful research while still studying Biology student explores the biomedical potential of plants

7. June 2024

Three days of sustainability in action TUmorrow Days 2024

3. June 2024

Social Impact Festival @ TU Braunschweig Getting to know and actively shaping social and innovative projects together

31. May 2024

Music without borders AkaBlas celebrates 60 years of musical diversity

18. April 2024

ClimateCrisisClock will be dismantled Technical defects after water damage cannot be repaired

12. February 2024

104 students receive a Deutschlandstipendium Financial support for their studies and a network for their professional future

20. December 2023

Christmas greetings from President Angela Ittel Thoughts at the end of the year

7. December 2023

High-achieving and socially committed Seven students honoured with the "Braunschweig Citizen Award" 2023 - 14,500 euros distributed

1. December 2023

Honouring decades of commitment

For the first time this year, Technische Universität Braunschweig organised…
23. November 2023

Lower Saxony Science Prize for Professor Franziska Neumann and Antonia Schultz Recognised for outstanding commitment to research and volunteering

21. November 2023

“#Bring Your Own” on TU Braunschweig’s Campus Packaging waste affects us all

10. November 2023

In Paris: Great success for the Braunschweig team Young researchers win awards at the iGEM competition for synthetic biology

27. October 2023

Bridge between TU Braunschweig and society New University Council formed

24. August 2023

Theft of rainbow flag: Senate joins statement of the Executive Board Executive Board thanks for its support

15. August 2023

This is how education at TU Braunschweig works 3 apprentices report on their experiences

7. August 2023

Governance board strongly condemns theft and destruction of the rainbow flag The rainbow flag is flying again on the University Square

1. August 2023

Tireless Commitment to Responsible Chemistry Primo Levi Prize for Henning Hopf

15. June 2023

The clock is ticking: TU Braunschweig’s ClimateCrisisClock launched Countdown for the climate at the Forum Building