Tag: Electrical Engineering

16. April 2021

Master in Quantum Technologies A degree program at the center of the Quantum Valley Lower Saxony.

9. February 2021

Out of Balance Homeo-brain" project explores disruption of brain cell homeostasis

Zwölf Mikro-LED-Chips auf einem Wafer. Genau so werden die späteren Bausteine für Quantencomputer aussehen 1. December 2020

Picture of the month: Biscuits for Quantum Computers From the Quantum Valley Lower Saxony

Mit Kalilauge geätzte Finnen aus Galliumnitrid 1. October 2020

Picture of the Month: Etched Topographic Map in Gallium Nitride Submitted by the Institute of Semiconductor Technology

24. August 2020

Superconducting Sensors for the Fastest Computer Chips in the World Interview with a large-scale instrument: The Terahertz Microscope

21. August 2020

Of Magnetic Moments and Iron Oxide Short portrait of Tamara Kahmann from the NanoMet Research Training Group

23. July 2020

Enthusiasm for Electrical Engineering Master student Julius Ritter answers questions about his studies

23. July 2020

From Zero to Terahertz in Three Years A short portrait of Marco Tollkühn from the NanoMet Research Training Group

2. December 2019

Picture of the month: 3D Printed Nutcracker From the Institute for Electrical Measurement Science and Fundamental Electrical Engineering

20. November 2019

3D Printed Optics Additive manufacturing of components for the manipulation of terahertz radiation

7. October 2019

Integrated time magnifier for the detection and measurement of very short signals

10. May 2019

CHE University Ranking: Top Marks for Degree Programmes Students award top scores

2. May 2018

The EU-funded ChipScope Project Gets Leading Companies on Board Focus on Research: At the Limit of Measurability

12. March 2018

TU Braunschweig, TU München, and University of California Irvine launch joint technology development project Initiative will focus on creation of ‘information processing factory’ computer chips

10. November 2017

Indonesian scientists visiting LENA Focus on Research: At the Limit of Measurability

8. May 2017

Focus on research: “QuantumFrontiers” – Interview with Prof. Andreas Waag Focus on Research: At the Limit of Measurability

3. May 2017

Focus on Research: “Self-Aware Vehicles” A view on the Project “Controlling Concurrent Change”

11. October 2016

Ultra-high data rates transmitted at THz frequencies Electronic beam steering demonstrated for the first time

12. May 2014

DFG promotes Braunschweig Research Training Group »NanoMet«