7. February 2025 | Press releases:

The future of science as Ecoversity TU Braunschweig receives 22.5 million euros from the "zukunft.niedersachsen" science programme

The results of the “Strategically developing potential” call have been announced: TU Braunschweig has been successful with its application “Ecoversity – Collaborative space for change” and will receive 22.5 million euros in funding. TU Braunschweig convinced the jury with its concept of developing the region’s scientific ecosystem as an Ecoversity. TU Braunschweig will receive the double-digit million euro sum from the “zukunft.niedersachsen” science funding programme for its project to strengthen transdisciplinary collaboration with international partners to solve global challenges in its scientific ecosystem. In addition to the establishment of new, efficient structures in the areas of research, teaching, transfer and administration, the focus is on two promising research topics, “BrightBrain” and “ReSpace!”, which result from synergies between the established care research areas “Mobility”, “Metrology”, “Engineering for Health” and “City of the Future”. Further topics will be developed in the course of the project.

Transdisciplinary partnerships in all performance dimensions

The “Ecoversity” project aims to promote a dynamic scientific ecosystem: Research, teaching as well as all target directions of transfer and administration are positioning themselves for the future through closer cooperation with regional, national and international partners.

TU President Angela Ittel summarises the added value as follows: “The future of science lies in cooperation and collaboration based on trust. Teams with diverse skills, perspectives and experience must join forces to research the complex issues of our time, contribute to solving multiple crises and demonstrate the added value of science for society. As ‘Ecoversity’, we are overcoming the boundaries of traditional co-operation and connecting even more effectively with our partners. Together, we will leverage the potential of our regional, national and international scientific ecosystem in order to visibly bundle our strengths and position ourselves even more strongly as an attractive cooperation partner.”

A flourishing ecosystem for changemakers

The development of “Ecoversity” will create synergies between outstanding research areas and institutions. Scientists, students and administrative staff will be promoted as “changemakers” in the ecosystem and can jointly develop research, teaching, transfer and administration for the future.

The entire Executive Board of TU Braunschweig is behind this strategic development of potential. Vice Presidents Arno Kwade and Peter Hecker comment here on the added value of the project: “As ‘Ecoversity’, TU Braunschweig will exploit the potential of its regional ecosystem even better by exchanging knowledge and expertise with its partners from science, industry and local authorities and thus jointly driving innovation,” says Professor Arno Kwade, Vice President for Transfer and Innovation. Professor Peter Hecker, Vice President for Research, emphasises: “Through transdisciplinary networking between two key research areas in the ‘BrightBrain’ and ‘ReSpace!’ research projects, existing synergies will be strengthened in a targeted manner in order to open up new fields of science and generate innovations with great impact.”

The University Council also welcomes the result of the call for proposals. “I am very pleased with TU Braunschweig’s great success in the ‘Strategically developing potential’ funding programme. With the ‘Ecoversity’ concept, TU Braunschweig will link the strengths of our Braunschweig research region even more closely together and make them fit for the future. The funding amount of 22.5 million euros reflects the great confidence in the innovative strength of TU Braunschweig, of which the University Council is also convinced,” says Professor Lothar Hagebölling, Chairman of the University Council of TU Braunschweig.