1. September 2021 | Press releases:

Study and science as an opportunity for Afghan refugees

The Technische Universität Braunschweig takes responsibility and supports Afghan refugees with all its efforts. Prospective students, students, but also researchers from Afghanistan can now get individual advice. In order to enable them to enter the German study and university system, various already proven programs are available at the TU Braunschweig.

“As a cosmopolitan university, TU Braunschweig feels obliged to support Afghan refugee prospective students, students and researchers with all our efforts,” says Professor Angela Ittel, President of TU Braunschweig. “With our extensive and proven offers, which we will expand as needed, we want to contribute quickly and unbureaucratically to offering the refugees the best possible long-term perspective in Germany.”

TU Braunschweig already has extensive experience in implementing offers for prospective and current students who have fled. In an individual educational counseling session, they receive information about the German higher education system and how their previous educational biography should be classified in order to find the best entry into the German education system. “When applying for a place of study, they receive the greatest possible support and flexibility, for example with appointments, missing documents and certificates,” says the representative for refugees at TU Braunschweig, Dr. Astrid Sebastian. Among other things, a bridging course specifically prepares students for the start of their studies at the TU Braunschweig by combinding a language learning program with specialized courses. Intensive accompanying and buddy programs also support students during their studies. A free guest auditor study program provides an insight into the content and methodology of the degree programs. Refugees can contact the TU Braunschweig at any time at refugees@tu-braunschweig.de. In addition, a website in German and English provides information about current offers.

Offers for refugee researchers

Refugee scientists also receive extensive support. In order to enable them to continue their scientific work in the long term, we check after an individual counseling interview how they can continue their research at TU Braunschweig and which systematic funding options can be used for long-term financing. Existing scholarships are available as immediate assistance.