Archive - Archives: Press releases

Here you will find all posts of the selected period in chronological order.

4. April 2022

3D-printed sodium-ion batteries by 2025 Consortium plans mass production of solid-state batteries

Dr. Esther Wenzel (links) vom Abcalis-Team nahm am Mittwoch, 30. März 2022, in Brüssel den ECEAE-Preis für tierversuchsfreie Antikörper von Dr. Corina Gericke aus dem Vorstand der ECEAE entgegen. Bildnachweis: Joffrey Legon 31. March 2022

Biotechnologists win international animal welfare award Innovative developments and applications of non-animal antibodies

29. March 2022

How to bring autonomous trucks to the streets ATLAS-L4: Funding project with partners from the vehicle industry, software development, scientific research and administration

24. March 2022

Three prizes for young engineers Foundation of the Chamber of Engineers of Lower Saxony awards prizes for final theses at TU Braunschweig

22. March 2022

Fish become master builders Research project "MigRamp" at TU Braunschweig investigates preferred swimming paths

18. March 2022

Research cooperation in war TU Braunschweig supports partner university in Kiev

Mit ihrem Fahrzeug Dr.Drift holten die Karlsruher insgesamt 340 Punkte im Wettbewerb. Bildnachweis: Team KITcar/Karlsruher Institut für Technologie 18. March 2022

Dr. Drift defends its title The Carolo-Cup@Home 2022 goes to Karlsruhe and Aachen

Professor Konrad Rieck vom Institut für Systemsicherheit der Technischen Universität Braunschweig erhält den mit knapp 2 Millionen Euro dotierten ERC Consolidator Grant. Bildnachweis: Max Fuhrmann/TU Braunschweig 18. March 2022

Prof. Konrad Rieck receives ERC Consolidator Grant Funding worth nearly €2 million for project on machine learning at TU Braunschweig

Neun Teams treten mit ihren automatisiert fahrenden Modellfahrzeugen beim zweiten Carolo-Cup@Home an. Bildnachweis: Team Spatzenhirn/ Universität Ulm 15. March 2022

Carolo Cup 2022 on the Home Course Student competition with self-driving model vehicles takes place online again

14. March 2022

Emergency fund for refugee students and researchers from Ukraine TU Braunschweig and Braunschweigischer Hochschulbund call for donations

Bildnachweis: European Center for Information and Communication Technologies – EICT GmbH 11. March 2022

Automated driving, but safely VVM funding project invites to mid-term event and shows first results

11. March 2022

Microorganisms in Lake Constance convert tonnes of ammonium Microbiologists show how important ammonium-oxidising microorganisms are for Germany's largest lake

1. March 2022

Scientific cooperation with Russia temporarily stopped TU Braunschweig clarifies its position in light of the Russian attack on Ukraine

24. February 2022

Sustainable flying by 2050 – is it possible? The podcast "Exzellent erklärt" reports on the cutting-edge research of the Cluster of Excellence SE²A

15. February 2022

Concept for plant cultivation systems of the future from Braunschweig receives award DLG Agrifuture Concept Prize for "Spot Farming Approach”

10. February 2022

In the Arctic with a Helicopter Towed Probe Results of the MOSAiC expedition published

9. February 2022

Climate Change and Microorganisms in the Lower Atmosphere Rising temperatures: Natural balance in the troposphere in danger

7. February 2022

Protection and training against highly infectious pathogens Establishment of a Centre of Excellence for infection prevention in Rwanda

31. January 2022

Deutschlandstipendiums awarded 79 talented students funded