Archive - Archives: Press releases

Here you will find all posts of the selected period in chronological order.

4. August 2022

Battery cell production at high speed Innovative high-speed stacking for lithium-ion battery cells

1. August 2022

Boost for quantum computer development ERDF funding accelerates installation of new laboratory structures for the miniaturisation of components

27. July 2022

Standards for biomolecular medicine BRICS and PTB decide on cooperation

22. July 2022

Ten students receive “Braunschweiger Bürgerpreis” for outstanding achievements A total of 20,000 euros will be awarded

19. July 2022

15 Million Euros for Quantum Industry Transfer TU Braunschweig is successful with QVLS-iLabs in the Clusters4Future programme

19. July 2022

TU9 Alliance Elects New Executive Board Professor Dr. Tanja Brühl and Professor Dr. Angela Ittel Elected as Dual Leaders

13. July 2022

Senate elects and confirms Vice Presidents Experienced members and two newcomers on TU Braunschweig Executive Board

12. July 2022

What the battery factory of the future could look like Intelligent manufacturing of battery cells

Die Photovoltaikanlage (mit 14 kW installierter Leistung) auf dem alten Heizkraftwerk der TU Braunschweig ist Teil des Forschungsprojekts Netzregelung 2.0. Bildnachweis: elenia/TU Braunschweig 8. July 2022

Power converters can keep the interconnected grid stable even with very high shares of renewable energies Final conference of the "Netzregelung 2.0" project

6. July 2022

First Diversity Day at TU Braunschweig For diversity, equal opportunities and anti-discrimination

1. July 2022

Battery research at TU Braunschweig: New research building receives funding Circular production of future generations of batteries and fuel cells is being researched at the research airport

30. June 2022

Application? Check! TU Braunschweig checks university applications during final sprint for applications for subjects with restricted admissions

27. June 2022

Milestone of THz communication Bidirectional THz radio link will be presented in final workshop

Innenansicht des Audimax nach der Sanierung 2019/2020. Bildnachweis: Max Fuhrmann/TU Braunschweig 24. June 2022

Audimax shortlisted for Lower Saxony state award for architecture Award for renovation of the Kooperative Gesamtschule Leeste

Insgesamt 22 Boote haben die Architekturstudierenden aus Sperrmüll gebaut. Bildnachweis: IAK/TU Braunschweig 17. June 2022

Floating furniture in the river TU Braunschweig accompanies documenta15 project "Citizenship”

In der Klimakammer mit Wellenkanal: Vizepräsident Dietmar Smyrek, Landtagsabgeordnete Annette Schütze, Umweltminister Olaf Lies und Professor Nils Goseberg vom LWI. (v.l.) Bildnachweis: Max Fuhrmann Rottig/TU Braunschweig. 15. June 2022

The perfect climate for research Environment Minister Olaf Lies visited new experimental facility at the Leichtweiß-Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources

Im SpACE Lab des Institute for Sutainable Urbanism kann man dem VR-Experiment "Move in the City" teilnehmen. Bildnachweis: Kristina Rottig/TU Braunschweig 15. June 2022

Making digitisation tangible TU Braunschweig participates in the nationwide Digitaltag

Mathematiker Prof. Timo de Wolff vom Institut für Analysis und Algebra der TU Braunschweig ist neuer Sprecher der Jungen Akademie. Bildnachweis: Peter Himsel/Die Junge Akademie 15. June 2022

Prof. Timo de Wolff new speaker of the Junge Akademie Mathematics professor at TU Braunschweig elected for a one-year term of office

14. June 2022

Lower Saxony state government held meeting at TU Braunschweig External meeting on the focus of mobility took place at the NFF