15. March 2022 | Press releases:

Carolo Cup 2022 on the Home Course Student competition with self-driving model vehicles takes place online again

This year, the student teams in the International University Competition of Automated Model Cars will once again send their little racers out on the home course – because the Carolo-Cup@Home will once again be held as an online event. Nine participating teams from Germany and Poland will demonstrate the skills of their vehicles in numerous automated driving tasks in a video format. The highlights of the competition as well as the announcement of the winning teams will be shown in the livestream on 17 March at 6 pm.

Neun Teams treten mit ihren automatisiert fahrenden Modellfahrzeugen beim zweiten Carolo-Cup@Home an. Bildnachweis: Team Spatzenhirn/ Universität Ulm

Nine teams compete with their automated driving model vehicles in the second Carolo-Cup@Home. Photo credit: Team Spatzenhirn/ University of Ulm

Like last year, the 15th Carolo Cup will take place in an adapted format due to the pandemic. This means that the Carolo-Cup@Home will take place over approximately one month and the driving tasks will not be completed as usual in the Stadthalle Braunschweig, but on the test tracks in the respective team room. Since 14 February, the teams have had one week to solve the tasks set for them with their vehicle and to document the results on video. Afterwards, they presented them in a virtual presentation to a jury from business and science.

The tasks included a dynamic drive at top speed and mastering an obstacle course on the track. In the Carolo Master Cup, the course contains more complex elements, such as an overtaking ban and a speed limit, which the vehicles have to recognise and implement independently. In addition, the teams had to show in their four-minute video how they deal with and solve a new and previously unknown challenge in the course. Finally, the jury evaluated both the submitted videos and the virtual presentations and awarded points for them.

The final live stream (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1m1HR5BCK4) with the announcement of the winning teams can be seen

on Thursday, 17 March 2022, from 6 pm.

The total prize money this year is 4,500 euros. It will go to all successfully participating teams as a starting and motivational bonus of 500 euros each.

Teams of the Carolo Master Cup

  • KITcar, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  • Selfie, Warsaw University of Technology
  • Team Spatzenhirn, University of Ulm

Teams of the Carolo-Basic-Cup

  • cITIcar, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen
  • DHBW Smart Rollerz, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Stuttgart
  • GalaXis, RWTH Aachen University
  • it:movES, Esslingen University of Applied Sciences
  • Ostfalia-Cup, Ostfalia – University of Applied Sciences
  • oTToCar, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg

The two teams from TU Braunschweig, Team CDLC and the ISF Löwen, did not take part in the competition this year for internal team reasons.

Organisers and Sponsors

The Carolo-Cup@Home is organised by the Institute of Control Engineering at TU Braunschweig. The competition is financially supported by IAV GmbH Ingenieurgesellschaft Auto und Verkehr and VIRES Simulationstechnologie GmbH.