18. September 2024 | Press releases:

Braunschweig highlights at the “Highlights of Physics” Quantum physics, light and rafting

From 23 to 28 September 2024, the Cluster of Excellence QuantumFrontiers, together with the German Physical Society, is organising the “Highlights der Physik 2024“ (Highlights of Physics 2024) in Hannover. As the cluster is also based in Braunschweig, scientists from TU Braunschweig and the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt will also present physics highlights in Braunschweig. On 22 September, the Colours of QuantumFrontiers performance of light, sound and dance will bring quantum physics and art together in the Historic Main Building of TU Braunschweig. On 27 September, two Peer-to-Pier physics rafting trips will take place. Registration for all events is free on the event website.

Colours of QuantumFrontiers
22 September 2024, 19.00-20.00 h
Historic Main Building, Pockelsstraße 4, Room PK 4.117, 38106 Braunschweig
Register for free

The worlds of science and art generally have few points of contact. The QuantumFrontiers Cluster of Excellence and artists Niels Weijer and Michael Tuttle want to change this by bringing quantum physics and the performing arts together in a dance performance.

For the dance performance, choreographer Weijer and musician Tuttle have explored the research themes of the Cluster of Excellence, such as gravity, light and matter waves. In their performance, they take these themes and translate them into movement, colour and sound.

In the performance, choreographed by Niels Weijer, he and his dance partner Mike O’Connor move large LED rings that glow in different colours in combination with a sound installation by Michael Tuttle. This creates an aesthetic installation in the dark performance space that can be experienced with all the senses.

Peer-to-Pier: Rafting with physics
27 September 2024, 14:00-15:30 h & 19:00-20:30 h
Pier at the Wendentor Bridge, Mühlenpfordtstraße 23, 38106 Braunschweig

In the Meet-the-Scientist format, those interested can join scientists from the quantum world and metrology on a raft trip on the river Oker, enjoy a cool drink and get to know not only Braunschweig but also the world of physics from an unusual perspective. At 14:00 h, three TU Braunschweig scientists from the Laboratory for Emerging Nanometrology (LENA) will give an insight into the control of nanoparticles and the placement of individual atoms in functional structures. At 19:00 h, three researchers from the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt will show how and why we want to be able to measure even more precisely and what there is to discover in the process. The physics raft trips are supported by the Haus der Wissenschaft Braunschweig.

14:00 h Tour with Professor Uta Schlickum, Professor Georg Garnweitner and Dr. Markus Etzkorn from the LENA Research Centre. (No more tickets available)

19:00 h Tour with Dr. Teresa Tschirner, Dr. Fabian Wolf and Martin Steinel from the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt. (No more tickets available)