
2. September 2019

New Methods for Measuring Pollution in Urban Areas Automated Flight Systems Improve Prediction of Air Pollutants

26. August 2019

Testing Active Ingredients and Drugs with Chip Systems New Human Nasal Mucosa and Cornea Model for Preclinical Testing of Drug Candidates

9. August 2019

Nanoparticles for better bioavailability of pharmaceuticals DFG and Fraunhofer approve TU Braunschweig cooperation project

8. August 2019

Exploration of the Third Pole Second expedition of the International Research Training Group to Tibet

5. August 2019

Perfect: Extreme conditions for drilling test Research drilling on Lake Constance successfully completed

18. July 2019

Flight data of offshore wind farm measurements published Aircraft measurement data of the offshore wind farm project WIPAFF freely accessible

17. July 2019

Welcome committee for comets ESA mission starts 2028 with measurement technology from Braunschweig

11. July 2019

New DFG Research Group “Metrology for THz Communications” Researchers at TU Braunschweig are investigating measurement systems for the communications technology of the future

11. July 2019

Automated creativity in literature and music MWK funds research into the role of computers in creative processes

5. July 2019

10 million euros for lightweight construction research Second funding phase for Open Hybrid LabFactory confirmed

5. July 2019

Competence centre for multidisciplinary urban research Volkswagen Foundation funds "ISU SPACE LAB" with one million euros

4. July 2019

Safe landings without navigation aids on the ground Research aircraft successfully demonstrates automatic landings with optically assisted navigation

26. June 2019

Developing vehicles faster with Virtual Reality Braunschweig: VR laboratory opened at NFF

20. June 2019

Big Data for a virtual emergency register 1.2 million euros for research to make rescue services more efficient in the future

28. May 2019

MOONRISE: Bringing 3D-printing to the moon Melting moon dust with the laser

10. December 2018

TU Braunschweig is member of two new EU Innovation Communities "Production Engineering" and "Urban Mobility"

29. October 2018

Prospects for 5G and beyond: The first THz radio link with up to 100 Gbps transmission speed Demonstration of a radio link, using real data, compliant with the new standard for terahertz communication

26. July 2018

Diatom ooze sediments are a large marine mercury sink Sediments reveal mercury pollution in Antarctica since the beginning of the industrial period

30. May 2018

UAV aircrafts provide new insights into the formation of the smallest particles in the Arctic Scientists study particle formation over Spitsbergen

4. May 2018

Successful participation at Boeing ecoDemonstrator program Focus on Research: Energy Transition in Aviation