
29. June 2023

On sabbatical in Braunschweig’s microelectronics US Professor Fa Foster Dai visits TU Braunschweig

29. June 2023

Building rental housing—affordably and sustainably Prize for the Institute for Building Climatology and Energy of Architecture

27. June 2023

A day on campus The Sneak Peek TU in pictures

26. June 2023

History Teaching in the Digital Transformation Marcel Mierwald is the new assistant professor at the Institute of History

23. June 2023

The Week at TU Braunschweig │23.06.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

22. June 2023

Protecting the Climate with Beats, Awards and Clock The TUmorrow Days 2023 in the picture gallery

20. June 2023

Mail from the ice (3) Magnus Asmussen and Dr.-Ing. Falk Pätzold report from Arctic expedition

20. June 2023

Mail from the ice (2) Magnus Asmussen and Dr.-Ing. Falk Pätzold report from Arctic expedition

20. June 2023

Mail from the ice (1) Magnus Asmussen and Dr.-Ing. Falk Pätzold report from Arctic expedition

16. June 2023

The Week at TU Braunschweig │16.06.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

15. June 2023

A sharp look at Chemistry Microscope donation for Agnes-Pockels-Laboratory

15. June 2023

Of automatic chicken coops and cocktail machines Engineers learn application-oriented programming

14. June 2023

Athletic visit from Brazil Consultation on the curriculum for sports teacher training

13. June 2023

How companies use data profitably Frederik Möller is a new assistant professor at the Institute of Business Information Systems

12. June 2023

Comeback for the Campuslauf 400 athletes sprinted across the university grounds

9. June 2023

The Week at TU Braunschweig │09.06.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

9. June 2023

Groundbreaking ceremony for Fraunhofer ZESS institute building at the Research Airport New project centre cooperates with the Battery LabFactory

9. June 2023

An ecosystem becomes visible Interdisciplinary project shows biodiversity in the courtyard of the Biocentre

9. June 2023

Chemist Jörn Piel receives Inhoffen Medal 2023 HZI and Technische Universität Braunschweig honour specialist for marine natural products

8. June 2023

“ALADINA cleared for takeoff“ TU Braunschweig drone prepares for use in study on fine dust pollution from air traffic