
27. July 2023

What will the university of the future look like? Interview with the President Angela Ittel

27. July 2023

New Large-Scale Equipment for Aerospace Research Milling machine offers new research opportunities for SE²A

21. July 2023

Secure GPS Signal in Case of Loss of Device Semester projects awarded prizes at the "Young Software Developers Day"

21. July 2023

The Week at TU Braunschweig │21.07.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

20. July 2023

Universal Scholar and Librarian of the Collegium Carolinum Honoured Commemorative plaque for the Braunschweig resident Johann Joachim Eschenburg (1743-1820)

20. July 2023

Student exchange in the spirit of Ganesha Outstanding students from Bombay as guests at TU Braunschweig

17. July 2023

“I have always been interested in crises”. Sarah Schäfer is a new assistant professor at the Institute of Psychology

17. July 2023

Mail from … Israel Master's student Ruth Glebe traveled to Rehovot, in Israel, for a research internship

14. July 2023

The Week at TU Braunschweig │14.07.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

11. July 2023

“Positive atmosphere ready for change” Using the future workshop method at the State Theatre of Braunschweig

11. July 2023

The future of aviation: “We need bright engineering minds!” Ingo Staack is Professor at the Institute of Aircraft Design and Lightweight Structures

10. July 2023

Shaping the Future Together Summer reception for the professors of TU Braunschweig

10. July 2023

Students taken off again Measuring tests in TU research aircraft

7. July 2023

The Week at TU Braunschweig │07.07.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

6. July 2023

Against Blind Spots in Research How examining the relevance of gender and diversity can improve research results

5. July 2023

Gender meets Engineering Henriette Bertram is the new assistant professor for gender aspects in engineering sciences

4. July 2023

Being a Ukrainian refugee at TU Braunschweig About the biologist Alona Velynska and her encounters in Germany

3. July 2023

Picture of the month: Microstructure of Skeletal Muscle – The Key to Understanding Our Body’s Movements From the Institute of Mechanics and Adaptronics

30. June 2023

The Week at TU Braunschweig │30.06.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

29. June 2023

Celebrating diversity The second Diversity Day at TU Braunschweig