10. November 2023 | Magazine:

The Week at TU Braunschweig │10.11.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Topics: Recycling batteries + Autonomous driving makes a difference + Clubbing for a good cause

Editor: Dilara Aktaş

► CircularLab: Pilot plant for circular battery production opened

On 6 November, BLB’s CircularLab was officially opened at the Research Airport Braunschweig. Research is being conducted here into how lithium-ion batteries can be recycled and how circular production can be realised.

► Towards a European Mobility Data Space

The Research Centre for Mobility Law, headed by Prof. Anne Paschke, will make a significant contribution to the development and design of the EU Mobility Data Space. A total of 38 consortium partners and seven associated partners from eleven EU countries are involved in the deployEMDS flagship project.

► How autonomous driving will change our working lives and the economy

Autonomous driving will bring changes to many areas of life – but especially to the economy, including production, business processes and, of course, the work of employees. We talked to experts from the Niedersachsen Automotive Research Centre (NFF).

► The hidden water beneath our feet

Where does groundwater come from? How long has it been underground? Many questions about groundwater in Braunschweig remain unanswered. Tobias Langmann and Prof. Matthias Schöniger from the Leichtweiß Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources, Department of Hydrology, Water Management and Water Protection, are investigating these questions in a research project.

► Paris: Great success for young researchers from Braunschweig

The iGEM competition is the largest international competition in synthetic biology for students. This year, over 400 teams competed against each other in Paris. The Braunschweig team won first place for its diagnostic application project. Congratulations!

► Japan: Joint materials research on green hydrogen

On 20 September, the opening ceremony of the Japanese-German Green Hydrogen Material Laboratory took place in Kofu, Japan. The project partners are the Technical Electrocatalysis Laboratory (Prof. Dr Mehtap Özaslan), the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Nanomaterials Center and the Clean Energy Research Center, University of Yamanashi.

► Presentation of the Stöbich Entrepreneurship Doctoral Prize 2023

This time, Dr Carina Bohlayer from Leuphana University Lüneburg was honoured for her dissertation on the motivational dynamics of prospective entrepreneurs. The prize, endowed with 7,500 euros, is awarded by the Entrepreneurship Hub of TU Braunschweig and Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences.

► On 16 November, it’s back to the club instead of the lecture theatre!

At Profs@Turntables next week, students and guests of the event, which has been taking place since 2014, will be clubbing for a good cause. Professors and lecturers from TU Braunschweig, Ostfalia and the Hochschule für Bildende Künste will be playing music from their student days, their favourite tunes or their own playlists in Braunschweig’s discotheques. As every year, all proceeds will be donated to charity.

► “Guiding Principles for Teaching and Learning – from Document to Living Culture”

To accompany the development of the guiding principles for teaching and learning at TU Braunschweig, all TU members are cordially invited to join representatives from other universities at the digital event “Guiding Principles for Teaching and Learning – from Document to Living Culture” on 28 November to discuss how guiding principles can be developed and firmly anchored in the university culture.

► Abuse of power at the university: an individual and structural perspective

On 30 November, Prof. Jutta Stahl from the University of Cologne will give a lecture on abuse of power at the university as part of KNOW MORE. Interested parties can listen to the lecture from 16:00 in room PK 4.7.

► BMBF announcement for Eastern Partnership and Central Asia

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) wants to further strengthen research cooperation with the countries of the Eastern Partnership and Central Asia. A framework announcement has now been launched to promote this closer research cooperation.

► Darling of the week

Our darling of the week is Svea Koglin, who completed her apprenticeship as a microtechnologist at TU Braunschweig as one of the best in the state of Lower Saxony. The award was presented to her by the IHK on 2 November. We heartily congratulate her!

► Events

There is a lot going on at TU Braunschweig, especially at the beginning of the semester. Lectures, discussions, information events, concerts, films and much more. Take a look at our calendar of events and get inspired.