
19. September 2023

When the Storm Surge Hits the House on the Coast Best Paper Award for Dr.-Ing. Clemens Krautwald from the Leichtweiß-Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources

19. September 2023

Finally, flying! DLR_Uni_Summer_School 2023 brings students from all over Germany into the sky

18. September 2023

“Focusing even more on relations with the industry” Interview with BLB Executive Board Member Prof. Thomas S. Spengler

15. September 2023

The Week at TU Braunschweig │15.09.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

14. September 2023

No stress for mussels and barnacles A visit to the construction site of the saltwater wave current flume

13. September 2023

Sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels Federica Ferraro is a new junior professor at the Institute of Flight Propulsion and Turbomachinery

12. September 2023

Climate crisis up close A travel report from China

11. September 2023

An Erasmus+ adventure on two wheels TU student Wiebke Hoffmann traveled sustainably to Norway and back for her semesters abroad

11. September 2023

“My research aims to make space more accessible” Simona Silvestri is a new professor at the Institute of Space Systems

8. September 2023

The Week at TU Braunschweig │08.09.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

5. September 2023

“There is no silver bullet that will save the climate” Prof. Jens Friedrichs on research into sustainable aviation in the SE2A cluster

4. September 2023

“I can imagine coming back at some point” Scholarship students from the USA visit TU Braunschweig

1. September 2023

Together for climate change adaptation Kick-off forum "Co-Adapted Braunschweig"

1. September 2023

The Week at TU Braunschweig │01.09.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

1. September 2023

Picture of the month: Plasmonic lenses From a collaboration in the LENA research centre

31. August 2023

Passionate about research—Computer science talents wanted Professor Marcus Magnor is the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's Henriette Herz Scout

29. August 2023

Mail from … Braunschweig Theo Andrews from Ireland spent three months at TU Braunschweig to conduct research in the field of Quantum Physics

28. August 2023

Future aircraft configurations Dr.-Ing. Stanislav Karpuk heads a Junior Research Group in the Cluster of Excellence SE²A

25. August 2023

The Week at TU Braunschweig │25.08.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

24. August 2023

Theft of rainbow flag: Senate joins statement of the Executive Board Executive Board thanks for its support