
7. December 2023

Researching and Teaching Diversity – Interdisciplinary and Inter-University Braunschweig Centre for Gender Studies celebrates its 20th anniversary

6. December 2023

Mail from …Graz PostDoc Cordula Reisch from the Institute for Partial Differential Equations talks about her research stay in Austria

4. December 2023

“Synthetic chemistry is such a creative subject – almost like an art” Christopher J. Teskey is the new professor at the Institute of Organic Chemistry

4. December 2023

Comprehensive support: The key to success CSE’s welcoming culture and onboarding services

1. December 2023

The Week at TU Braunschweig │01.12.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

1. December 2023

Picture of the month: Fire tests for more safety Timber construction and sustainable insulating material investigations at the Center of Fire Safety Research

29. November 2023

Biotechnology Meets Ethics Interdisciplinary exchange on the importance of metaphors in science

28. November 2023

From Richard Wagner to Indiana Jones Andrea Schindler is the new Professor of German Medieval Studies

28. November 2023

On the way to the (almost) perfect material cycle TU Braunschweig tests new PET recycling process

28. November 2023

Georg Kerschensteiner Award for Professor Rainer Müller Physics didactics prize from the German Physical Society goes to TU Braunschweig

27. November 2023

The Language Centre celebrates its 50th anniversary "Multilingualism is a huge benefit"

Porträtfoto von Carolin Ritter 26. November 2023

From Germany to New Zealand and back Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Educator Carolin Ritter on her work in two countries

24. November 2023

The Week at TU Braunschweig │24.11.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

TU Professor Anne Paschke was elected as an expert to the Commission on Concentration in the Media (KEK) for five years. Photo credits: Max Fuhrmann/TU Braunschweig 24. November 2023

“Now it’s up to practice to fill in the legal framework and bring it to life” Prof. Anne Paschke on legal issues in autonomous driving

Gruppenfoto der Delegation des Taiwan Tech mit Vertreter*innen der TU Braunschweig. 24. November 2023

High-ranking delegation from the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology visited TU Braunschweig Joint seed funding call open until 31 December

21. November 2023

“#Bring Your Own” on TU Braunschweig’s Campus Packaging waste affects us all

21. November 2023

How to Make the Campus Climate-Friendly Students share their visions for the University Campus

21. November 2023

Mail from … Kosovo Teacher Training student Michaela Görg tells us about her school internship abroad

20. November 2023

CHE Master Ranking: Technology-oriented Management and Industrial and Mechanical Engineering Curriculum and study organisation convince students

20. November 2023

“One of the biggest hurdles for people with Long Covid is the lack of a test” Professor Dieter Jahn on his life with Long Covid