21. August 2020 | Magazine:

The Week at TU Braunschweig │21.08.2020 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Topics: space + patches + arctic + medicines + wishes + reggae + breakfast

Editor: Laurenz Kötter

► Updated regulations for holiday and travel returnees from Germany and abroad

With the end of the summer holidays in Lower Saxony, many return to the TU Braunschweig, while others are about to start their holidays. In order to work against the corona virus, the regulations for holiday and travel returnees from Germany and abroad have been updated. If you enter from a foreign risk area, you are not allowed to enter the TU Braunschweig within 14 days after your return. The same applies to a return from German territories with a particular occurrence of infection. With a medical certificate of a negative PCR test, the ban is reduced to only seven days, as you may still be in the incubation period.

► Safer space travel

We congratulate Professor Rolf Radespiel! For his research work on the “Prediction of hypersonic boundary layer transitions”, the head of the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Chairman of the NfL received the Excellence Award of the Committee for Applied Vehicle Technology.

► Intelligent patch for premature babies

Professor Andreas Dietzel and Dr. Eugen Koch from the Institute for Microtechnology are involved in the development of a non-invasive ventilation system for premature infants. They are developing an intelligent patch that recognises the breathing movements of the children and transmits them to the ventilator.

► Relief in the Arctic

After five months on the “Polarstern”, Falk Pätzold is now on his way back to Braunschweig. During the Arctic expedition MOSAIC he collected research data with a helicopter towing probe.

► Delivery by a driverless fleet

Transporting goods in Future Cities: In the “SocialCars” research training group, Yannick Scherr is investigating how autonomous delivery traffic could function optimally.

► Magnetic moments

Tamara Kahmann is doing her doctorate in the NanoMet research training group. She spends most of her time at a large measuring device for magnetic properties, the MPMS at the LENA. There, she researches for example the potential of microscopic iron oxide particles as drug taxis.

► An engineer in pharmacy

A thousand times thinner than a human hair – that’s how small the active ingredients are with which bioengineer Denise Steiner works at the Department of Pharmaceutics. She is investigating how active substances that are hardly soluble in water can be made available for patients.

► A map of wishes

Architecture has to be more than just aesthetic if people are to accept it. Therefore seven students travelled all over Braunschweig in a campaign of the Institute for History and Theory of Architecture and the City. They collected what the citizens wish from their city.

► Last “Flying Friday”

On the fourth and last video on our TU research aircraft, everything is about research. There will be a brief look at a unique research project where the Cessna F406 (“D-ILAB”) will fly together with its predecessor, the Dornier Do128-6 (“D-IBUF”). We are already curious when the two “research devices” will take off together.

► Corona-conform Reggea

The current pandemic put many musicians into a forced break. The Institute for Music and its Mediation tried a corona-conform music production: The result is the “Ostsee-Reggea” – digital from the first idea to the distribution of the finished song.

► Workshops and Media for Breakfast

The project group Teaching and Media Education gives impulses for (online) teaching. For example, a workshop for customised feedback (26.08.) or an introduction of a website for creating (learning) games (27.08.). There are still free places available.

► Funding for junior researchers

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research has launched three new calls for junior researcher groups on the topics of battery, infection and material research. The Research Service and European Office will support your application.

► Darling of the week

The darling of the week is our central administration, which conducted a survey to determine the satisfaction and importance of its service. 54% of the employees who perform administrative tasks responded. Many thanks for taking part. The results and the resulting measures are published in the information portal, keyword “Servicebefragung”.