9. September 2024 | Magazine:

The Week at TU Braunschweig │06.09.2024 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Topics: Recycling in aircraft construction + TrainingProgramme online + discriminatory words

Editor: Hannah Kreß

 ► First stop: Saltwater Wave-Current Flume

Lower Saxony’s Science Minister Falko Mohrs started his summer tour with a visit to the Leichtweiß Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources (LWI). During a tour of the experimental hall, he learnt about the offshore wind energy research being carried out at the Saltwater Wave-Current Flume.

Starting signal for recyclable aircraft structures

Fibre-reinforced plastics play a central role in modern aircraft construction: they are light, extremely resilient and resistant to material fatigue. The interdisciplinary reFrame project is researching the recycling of these high-performance materials in order to optimise it so that the recycled materials can be reused in aircraft construction.

From wastewater to sustainable fertiliser

Under a microscope, they look like pearls glistening in the light. However, the beads shown in our picture of the month are actually the crystalline phosphorus product struvite, which farmers can use as a mineral fertiliser on their fields. The photo was taken as part of the P-Net project on phosphorus recycling, led by the Institute of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering.

Professor Dan Schürch on the city’s planning advisory board

Professor Dan Schürch, head of the Institute of Design and Building Design, is a member of the newly formed Planning Advisory Board of the City of Braunschweig (Gestaltungsbeirat). The advisory and independent body of experts is tasked with supporting politicians and administrators in matters of resilient, climate-friendly and sustainable construction and urban development.

 ► Navigator Education Digitalisation

With the Navigator, the “Forum Bildung Digitalisierung publishes for the first time a thematically systematised overview of the status of digital transformation in the school system. The study, co-directed by Professor Julia Gerick of the Institute for Educational Science, shows that digital transformation is hampered by a considerable lack of knowledge, among other things.

 ► TrainingProgramme for Employees published

The TrainingProgramme of Professional and Personnel Development once again offers many new and proven seminar topics for various fields of work. Registration for the seminars in the winter semester is possible from Monday, 9 September, from 12 noon via Stud.IP.

 ► Information event on the introduction of e-invoicing

TU Braunschweig is planning to pilot the fully digital and seamless processing of Ricoh invoices from 1 October. Two information events on the digital processing and approval of Ricoh invoices will take place on 10 and 26 September. Further information is available on the ZPE website.

 ► Internationalising Teaching: Practical Online Course

How do you accommodate international students with very different levels of knowledge and expectations, and how do you make a successful transition to English as the language of instruction? The online course Teaching and Learning for Global Competence, organised by the International Teaching Lab of the Project House from October onwards, offers practical support. Registration is now open.

 ► TU Braunschweig at the GAIN 2024 conference

The German Academic International Network (GAIN) hosted its annual conference in San Francisco at the end of August, where internationally mobile scientists from Germany were able to exchange ideas with representatives of the German academic landscape. TU Braunschweig was represented by President Angela Ittel and Dr Dominik Baumgarten from the Research Service.

 ► Never miss out on funding opportunities again

The FIT für die Wissenschaft newsletter is available to all TU Braunschweig employees to keep you informed about current calls for proposals.

 ► DFG announces Communicator Award 2025

DFG is once again announcing the Communicator Prize – Science Prize of the Stifterverband. The prize, worth 50,000 euros, is awarded for outstanding achievements in science communication. (Self-)applications and proposals can be submitted until 30 September.

 ► Racism-critical dictionary as part of the focus year

What is an ally, what is behind gadjé racism and why is the N-word actually so problematic? As part of the focus year Racism-critical university, the Diversity Coordination Centre is currently posting terms from the racism-critical dictionary on Instagram twice a week to provide information about racist language usage in the German language context.

Darling of the week

… are the many colleagues from the fields of automotive engineering, robotics, hydraulic engineering, biology and sustainable urban development, who organised a fantastic programme for the 20 students from German schools abroad during the TU9-ING week and provided great insights into study opportunities in the STEM subjects. The students are now taking the great first-hand experience of the visit back to their German schools abroad around the world

► Guess what! – Resolution from 30 August

Answer a) is correct. According to Scorpus, a total of 9 346 scientific publications with at least one author affiliation TU Braunschweig have been published in the years 2019 to 2023. As Scorpus does not record all publications, it can be assumed that the total number of scientific publications with TU involvement is even higher.

And that’s it for the last question of our TU summer edition Guess what!. See you next year!

► Events

There is always something going on at TU Braunschweig, even during the lecture-free period. Discussions, information events, concerts and much more. Take a look at our calendar of events and get inspired.