4. September 2020 | Magazine:

The Week at TU Braunschweig │04.09.2020 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Topics: mobility, magnetism, microplastics, masks and marathon +
fuel and battery cells + groynes and flowers

Editor: Laurenz Kötter

► More durable fuel cells

Most of us know platinum above all in the form of fine jewelry. This week we can learn from Professor Mehtap Özaslan, Institute for Technical Chemistry, that this precious metal also has a literally active function in fuel cells. She has discovered how platinum can be used even more efficiently and thus more economically.

► Ice cold and full of coils

After we started talking with large research equipment last week, we now interviewed the MPMS in the LENA research center. It explains what it takes to detect the magnetic moment.

► Progress through biocatalysis

Since May, Dr. Mehdi Mohammadi is a visiting researcher at the Institute for Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics. He sees his research fellowship as a great opportunity for himself and his home country Iran.

► Resonanting scales against microplastics

How do you weigh microplastics – especially in water? Wilson Ombati Nyang’au developed a new method that measures smallest particles in liquids. He is one of 50 students researching precise measurement in the graduate school B-IGSM.

► More Power for battery cell production

Dried electrodes, direct extrusion and the first charging: Three new projects reinforce the “ProZell” competence cluster for battery cell production.

► Studying in home office

“You don’t start your marathon training the day before the run.” Dominic Jost and Christian Dietrich report on their experiences as students during the digital summer semester.

► Filigree diatoms

Our picture of the month by Dr. Anja Schwarz shows a potential ray of hope in the Spielmannsteich in Braunschweig: a so-called “flower” of the diatom Acanthoceras zachariasii.

► The power of ship waves

Better protection for waterways: Doctoral student Carlos Dempwolff from the Leichtweiß-Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources is developing a computer model that maps the effects of ship waves on banks and groynes.

► Mask supply

In the Central Office for Continuing Education there are new fabric masks in different colours and patterns. The mouth-nose-covers with TU logo are produced by a regional supplier and cost 8 Euro per piece.

► Future Mobility Summit

Bicycles, e-scooters and car sharing – experts will discuss tomorrow’s mobility at the Future Mobility Summit on September 7 and 8. Researchers from the core research area “Future Cities” will also be present at this year’s Digital Edition.

► Hungry?

We often get our lunch from the Mensa-Foodtruck. That makes us one of the up to 1,000 guests the Studierendenwerk supplies daily in the to-go business. Our colleagues have now explained why the refectories are still closed.

► Darling of the Week

Hopefully as many as possible will join our darlings of the week, the participants of “Stadtradeln Braunschweig”. If you also want to collect some kilometers: Our university is represented with its own team.