Archive - Archives: Magazine

Here you will find all posts of the selected period in chronological order.

1. May 2022

Picture of the month: Urban Street Networks for people From the SpACE Lab at ISU – Institute for Sustainable Urbanism

29. April 2022

The Week at TU Braunschweig │29.04.2022 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Katrin Stump, leitende Direktorin der Universitätsbibliothek, verlässt die TU Braunschweig und wechselt zum 1. Mai 2022 an die Sächsischen Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) in Dresden. Bildnachweis: Privat 28. April 2022

Farewell to Katrin Stump Head of the University Library transfers to Dresden

28. April 2022

Saving Energy Together: The Right Mindset Professor Martin Korte on the power of habit and teamwork in energy consumption

27. April 2022

IT-Security Awareness Days 2022 Online event series on information security in May

26. April 2022

“I am fascinated by the complexity of metabolism” Professor Thekla Cordes new at the Institute of Biochemistry, Biotechnology, and Bioinformatics

22. April 2022

The Week at TU Braunschweig │22.04.2022 Our Newsletter for all Employees

20. April 2022

Design and Research On the colour design of scientific publications

Kolja Meyer heads the Junior Research Group "Urban Flows and Production". Picture credits: Martin David/TU Braunschweig 20. April 2022

“My vision for the city: living, working, producing, relaxing” Kolja Meyer on the Junior Research Group "Urban Flows and Production"

8. April 2022

The Week at TU Braunschweig │08.04.2022 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Die Architektur-Studierenden mit Christina und dem Lehmbauexperten David Moritz (ganz rechts). Bildnachweis: Chantal Karadag/TU Braunschweig 7. April 2022

Architecture students renovate half-timbered house TU Braunschweig institutes help after floods in the Eifel region

5. April 2022

“I investigate the ground” Dr Matthias Bücker appointed Assistant Professor for Urban Geophysics

5. April 2022

Farewell to Professor Georg-Peter Ostermeyer The Managing Director of the Institute of Dynamics and Vibrations is retiring

1. April 2022

The Week at TU Braunschweig │01.04.2022 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Close-up of a piece of fabric measuring about four by two centimeters, located at various points on the inside of a so-called ECG T-shirt. Photo: Markus Hörster/TU Braunschweig 1. April 2022

Picture of the Month: ECG T-Shirts From the Peter L. Reichertz Institute for Medical Informatics

31. March 2022

Prof. Manfred Krafczyk appointed to European panel on digital transformation Digital Transformation Steering Committee of the European University Association starts work in April 2022

31. March 2022

The President’s Office Hours Kick-off for a new dialogue format

31. March 2022

Communicate internally – impact externally Our President’s spotlights

31. March 2022

Red and green zones make isolation ward safer Dr. Wolfgang Sunder from the Institute of Construction Design, Industrial and Health Care Building on infection prevention through architecture