19. July 2024 | Magazine:

Awarded: VR learning environment for children with ADHD Students present their projects at the Young Software Developers' Day

Around 155 students from the Computer Science, Business Informatics and Information Systems Technology bachelor programmes at Technische Universität Braunschweig presented the results of this year’s software development internship at the “Young Software Developers’ Day” on 11 July. A jury of experts from science, industry and the student body evaluated the projects and awarded prizes to the three best teams.

1st place in the Software Development Internship 2024: The team behind the project “Virtual Reality Learning Environment for Children with ADHD”.

The project “Virtual Reality Learning Environment for Children with ADHD” impressed the jury the most. The team from the Institute of Computer Graphics came first. In this project, an interactive virtual reality learning environment was designed that takes into account the special circumstances of ADHD and thus enables those affected to learn more effectively.

Second place went to the team of students from the Peter L. Reichertz Institute with their project “Radlritter”.

Second place went to the “Radlritter” project by students from the Peter L. Reichertz Institute for Medical Informatics. The team developed a safe cycling navigation app based on OpenBikeSensor data. The app allows users to plan a route where cars are more likely to keep a greater distance from cyclists.

Third place was shared by “Throw It!” and “Mixed Reality Multiplayer without Cloud”.

Third place this year was shared by two projects. The Mixed Reality Multiplayer without Cloud project allows players to play games such as chess locally using virtual reality goggles without relying on cloud-based systems. The students were supported by a collaboration between the Institute of Computer Graphics and the Institute of Machine Tools and Production Engineering.

Third place also went to the “Throw It!” project by students from the Institute of Robotics and Process Informatics. The software developed allows players to play various games, such as tic-tac-toe or darts, by throwing a ball at a screen with an infrared frame.

The Software Development Internship

As part of this year’s Software Development Internship, around 155 students from 9 institutes worked on 29 different projects and learned about the practical development of complex software systems. They were supported by their respective institutes from planning and development through to completion and testing of the products. The Software Development Internship was offered this summer semester by the Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networking.