And always for science A laudation on the occasion of Professor Dieter Dinkler's farewell
After 25 years as head of the Institute of Structural Analysis, Professor Dieter Dinkler has retired from active service at TU Braunschweig at the end of September 2021. In a laudation, the deputy director of the institute, Professor Ursula Kowalsky, paid tribute to his work.

Professor Dieter Dinkler has begun his retirement as a university lecturer. Photo credit: Kristina Rottig/TU Braunschweig
Professor Dr.-Ing. Dieter Dinkler retired as a university lecturer in the winter semester 21/22. He will continue to work as a scientist and supervise research projects at the Institute of Structural Analysis.
After studying Civil Engineering at Technische Universität Berlin and Braunschweig, Dieter Dinkler completed his doctorate in 1982 and his habilitation in 1988 at the former Institute of Statics before taking up the professorship for aeroelasticity at the University of Stuttgart in 1989. In 1996 he returned to his alma mater as head of the Institute of Structural Analysis.
In Braunschweig, Dieter Dinkler set accents in research by initiating the Graduate College “Wechselwirkung von Struktur und Fluid” (Interaction of Fluids and Structures) (1998) and “Modelle für die Beschreibung der Zustandsänderung bei Alterung von Baustoffen und Tragwerken“ (Modelling the constitutional evolution of building materials and structures with respect to aging) (2015), driven by scientific curiosity and the desire for interdisciplinary work.
He guided countless doctoral students to their doctorates and was a long-standing member of the DFG Review Board. From 2005 to 2007, he headed the former Department of Civil Engineering as Dean and shaped the transition to today’s Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences. From 2009 to 2019, Dieter Dinkler was a member of our university’s Strategy Commission. In addition to many specialist articles, he has authored several textbooks and monographs.
On 25 October Dieter Dinkler celebrates his 70th birthday, we sincerely congratulate him and wish him all the best for the new phase of his life!