
18. January 2024

“Marketing is much more than just advertising!” Professor Christof Backhaus is the new head of the Institute of Marketing

18. January 2024

“I want to make uncertainties predictable” Ulrich Römer is a professor at the Institute of Acoustics and Dynamics

20. December 2023

Christmas greetings from President Angela Ittel Thoughts at the end of the year

4. December 2023

“Synthetic chemistry is such a creative subject – almost like an art” Christopher J. Teskey is the new professor at the Institute of Organic Chemistry

28. November 2023

From Richard Wagner to Indiana Jones Andrea Schindler is the new Professor of German Medieval Studies

28. November 2023

Georg Kerschensteiner Award for Professor Rainer Müller Physics didactics prize from the German Physical Society goes to TU Braunschweig

Porträtfoto von Carolin Ritter 26. November 2023

From Germany to New Zealand and back Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Educator Carolin Ritter on her work in two countries

20. November 2023

“One of the biggest hurdles for people with Long Covid is the lack of a test” Professor Dieter Jahn on his life with Long Covid

17. November 2023

Of random walks and other random events Sebastian Andres is the new professor at the Institute of Mathematical Stochastics

13. November 2023

Soil research in times of urbanisation Magdalena Sut-Lohmann is the new Professor of Soil Science at the Institute of Geoecology

3. November 2023

Mail from … Lexington TU staff member Anne-Kathrin Kaiser took part in a Fulbright seminar in the USA

16. October 2023

Interesting Facts about Science Communication #GetTUknow Dr. Friederike Hendriks and the Junior Research Group "fourC"

20. September 2023

Mail from … Japan Hanne Thiemann and Nicol Jaramillo report on their three-month stay in Japan

19. September 2023

When the Storm Surge Hits the House on the Coast Best Paper Award for Dr.-Ing. Clemens Krautwald from the Leichtweiß-Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources

13. September 2023

Sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels Federica Ferraro is a new junior professor at the Institute of Flight Propulsion and Turbomachinery

11. September 2023

“My research aims to make space more accessible” Simona Silvestri is a new professor at the Institute of Space Systems

21. August 2023

Materials of the future: “Bio-based, efficient and sustainable” Oliver Völkerink is a new assistant professor at the Institute of Mechanics and Adaptronics

8. August 2023

Mail from … Seoul Architecture student Eda Yesilyurt reports on her internship in South Korea

31. July 2023

Fresh Ideas in Norway Gabriela Ventura Silva was a visiting researcher in Trondheim