Author - Sarah Henrike Hoy

Here you will find all posts by the selected author in chronological order.

19. July 2024

Visitors from the IIT Bombay TU Braunschweig welcomes delegations from India

23. May 2024

University of Technology Sydney visits the Technische Universität Braunschweig Cotutelle agreement signed

21. May 2024

Mail from … Braunschweig Jenica Kakadia from Canada spent three weeks at Braunschweig Integrated Centre of Systems Biology

9. April 2024

Movement brings people together International course at the Institute of Sport Science and Physical Education

22. March 2024

TU Braunschweig and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México sign strategic partnership agreement TU delegation visits Mexico

20. March 2024

Visiting the IIT Bombay Interview about the delegation trip to India to strengthen international cooperation

Porträt von Max Larry 11. March 2024

Mail from … Braunschweig Max Larry from Belgium spent a month at the Institute for Particle Technology

9. February 2024

DAAD prize for international students CSE student Gagan Kaushik Manyam awarded

9. February 2024

“Understanding and speaking the German language is a key competence“ Ahmed Abdelhamid on the importance of German language learning programmes for international students

Der Student Nils Michalke steht in der afrikanischen Steppe. Im Hintergrund sind Zebras zu sehen. 5. February 2024

Mail from … Kenya Environmental engineering student Nils Michalke undertakes an internship in Nairobi

Der Student Dennis Kühn steht unter einem Torii-Tor in Kyoto. 10. January 2024

Mail from … Japan Master’s student Dennis Kühn talks about his stay abroad in Tsukuba

6. December 2023

Mail from …Graz PostDoc Cordula Reisch from the Institute for Partial Differential Equations talks about her research stay in Austria

4. December 2023

Comprehensive support: The key to success CSE’s welcoming culture and onboarding services

27. November 2023

The Language Centre celebrates its 50th anniversary "Multilingualism is a huge benefit"

Porträtfoto von Carolin Ritter 26. November 2023

From Germany to New Zealand and back Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Educator Carolin Ritter on her work in two countries

Gruppenfoto der Delegation des Taiwan Tech mit Vertreter*innen der TU Braunschweig. 24. November 2023

High-ranking delegation from the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology visited TU Braunschweig Joint seed funding call open until 31 December

21. November 2023

Mail from … Kosovo Teacher Training student Michaela Görg tells us about her school internship abroad

3. November 2023

Mail from … Lexington TU staff member Anne-Kathrin Kaiser took part in a Fulbright seminar in the USA

Gruppenfoto der Summer School-Teilnehmenden vom Juni-/Juli-Kurs 2023. 26. September 2023

“Summer Schools are an important instrument of internationalization” TU Braunschweig Summer Schools gather students from all over the world on campus