Author - János Krüger Here you will find all posts by the selected author in chronological order. 4. May 2021 Pioneer of Nature Conservation Law Festschrift for Honorary Professor Hans Walter Louis 1. May 2021 Picture of the Month: Chladni Figures In the acoustics lab: visualizing the vibration behavior of panels 28. April 2021 Chuck Thacker Award for Michael Franz UC Irvine’s Michael Franz Invented Unique Compilation Technique that Impacts Billions of Web Users Daily 29. March 2021 Life Cycle Assessment for a Hydrogen Aircraft Luisa Lindner researches at the University of Rhode Island – funded by SE²A 18. March 2021 Electromobility: Managing sustainability in global supply chains Dr. Christian Thies awarded BME prize for dissertation 1. March 2021 Spot Farming: Focus on Individual Plants Experimental farming with robots, drones and satellites 23. February 2021 Battery research: PhD Students Study “Black Mass” New research training group on the sustainable closed-loop production and use of lithium-ion batteries 17. February 2021 Mobility: Application for Hydrogen Centre at the Site Braunschweig-Salzgitter NFF and Allianz der Region submit concept for hydrogen centre in mobility applications to federal government 8. January 2021 Sharing Data from Health Research The Peter L. Reichertz Institute for Medical Informatics (PLRI) is a partner in the large-scale EU research project FAIR4Health 17. December 2020 Pores against Turbulence Save fuel with newly designed wing surfaces 5. November 2020 Be Part of our Network! New video about research, teaching and campus life at TU Braunschweig 12. November 2019 Hello, postdocs! Successful Welcome Day Premiere for Postdocs 12. July 2019 The Bridge Professor Christian Kehrt researches and teaches at the interfaces of science, technology and society 6. June 2019 Fire brigade and TU Braunschweig test reconnaissance robots Faster information about injured people, glow nests or blocked ways 31. July 2018 3D printing with concrete: “Pushing the limits of kinematics” Robot-controlled production in unique facility 12345678