Archive - Month: May 2024

Here you will find all posts of the selected period in chronological order.

31. May 2024

Architectural tours of the Student House and the Audimax Insights into outstanding contemporary architecture

31. May 2024

Tree health: Making trees more resilient to stress through sulphur Collaborative project researches improved immune defence of forest trees

31. May 2024

CoastAdapt: Sustainable coastal protection for Niedersachsen Braunschweig, Hannover and Oldenburg to jointly establish a coastal competence centre

30. May 2024

Hands-on activities offer insights into the world of science and technology TU Braunschweig presents itself at the IdeenExpo 2024

23. May 2024

2-6 player quantum computer Funding granted for quantum technology board game

22. May 2024

Electromobility: wireless charging – convenient and automatable Everyday test of inductive charging station in Braunschweig

17. May 2024

A lively neighbourhood for Salzgitter-Thiede Architecture students from TU Braunschweig present visions for a new neighbourhood on the Schäferberg

17. May 2024

TU Braunschweig supports SMEs on their way to sustainability Open call: Second round of funding starts

17. May 2024

European Architecture Prize for student centre EUmiesAward for sustainable building that promotes togetherness

16. May 2024

University Information Day on 24 May Well informed for your study decision

15. May 2024

State funds a joint Wolfsburg Campus with 11.5 million euros Objective: Research into the circular economy in the automotive industry

2. May 2024

Open Slots in the Niedersachsen-Technikum Internships and university experience for high school graduates